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He turned back around, facing her. He now looked very upset. "My brother slept with the woman that I thought I fancied, that I thought understood me. How am I meant to feel?"

"Niklaus, I wasn't myself. I was upset and drowning my sorrows. Did- did you just say you fancy me?" Blair said, tears welling.

"I-" Klaus couldn't finish his sentence before she rushed forward and kissed him. He didn't waste a split second before kissing her back. His lips tasted like bourbon and bad decisions, but she didn't care. Bad decisions are what she lived for. If they were a drug, she was addicted.

He pushed her up against the wall and kissed her roughly, obviously just taking out his anger about everything. He had one hand on her neck and the other entangled in her hair, while her hands both were in his hair.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hours later, they laid on the couch, both fully clothed, and asleep. That is, until Rebekah walked in. "Nik, you-" She walked into the living room, to see them both waking up, Blair in Klaus' arms. "Now you're snogging your little sidekick. Perfect."

"That is not what happened! We didn't-" Blair sighed, standing up. "I should go. Nice to see you again, Rebekah." She walked out of the house with a smile on her face. She was still in awe that Klaus Mikaelson, ruthless original hybrid, just said he liked her. It was something she couldn't believe.

As soon as she got in her car, she called Alexandra.

"Alexandra. Are we cool, or not? Because I really don't want to have to spill to a teenage girl." Blair asked, starting the car. Alexandra let out a laugh.

"Yeah, we're cool. Meet me at the Grill in ten. You only get to spill if I do." Alexandra told her.

"Alright, see you there." Blair said before hanging up. It wasn't a long drive to the Grill. She got there in about five minutes, and went inside. She sat down at a table and waited, before a server came up to her.

"Hi, welcome to Mystic Grill, what can I do for you?" The girl asked with a smile.

"Just two waters will do. I'm waiting on someone." Blair smiled politely at the girl. Who nodded cheerily and walked away. Not long after the drinks arrived, and so did Alexandra. The two girls hugged before sitting back down.

"So, come on, what is it?" Alexandra said, with an excited smile.

"I- Me and Niklaus- We kissed." Alexandra's smile fell as she finished her sentence.

"You're serious?" Alexandra leaned in closer. Blair nodded. "Wait. Are you two, like, a thing?"

"No, but he said he liked me, and stuff kind of happened and we ended up kissing." Blair said as Alexandra's smile came back.

"If he doesn't date you- then I'm going to put a stake through his heart." Alexandra declared, causing both of the girls to start laughing.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Blair suddenly said.

"Oh, yeah. After Blaine and Lexa broke up, I think Blaine was using me as a rebound, which I was SO not down with. So I shut him down. Told him if he's gonna keep acting like that, I'm leaving. He didn't stop, so I'm leaving. I'm going back to New Orleans. It's much more safe there anyway. I'm not in constant danger." Blair's smile fell.

"I, um, I appreciate you coming in the first place. I know you came for Blaine, but I really missed you. Eighty years was far too long." Blair said, grabbing Alexandra's hand. "When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. I was packing when you called. I planned on just telling you over the phone." Alexandra sighed.

"Well, let's get something from the bar. A last drink before you go." Blair suggested, to which Alexandra nodded. Both girls stood up and walked over to the bar. "Two shots of your strongest whiskey, please."

The bartender nodded, as they sat down. They got the drinks and looked at each other, cherishing one of the very few joyful moments they had. "To friendship, even through hardships."

They both laughed and clinked their glasses, downing them quickly after. "You know, you could always come with me. There's some hot vamps in New Orleans I could set you up with. Like my friend, Marcel-"

"I can't leave. Not now. There's a lot going on that I can't tell you. But, I'll remember that, just in case things go south." Blair reassured her. Alexandra stood up.

"I've gotta go now. If you ever get the chance, please come see me." Alexandra pleaded. Blair nodded.

"Of course I will." Blair said with a sad smile. She watched Alexandra leave the bar, waiting for a little bit, before leaving too.

Word count: 1469
They finally kissed! I'm excited! I will probably post a little less often, as I have school work online this week.


promise ༄ 𝙉. 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙤𝙣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora