"Ah Mrs. Lee, hello," you smile at the plump old woman, "I'm sorry if I took a little longer than usual, Ava was really struggling with functions-"

"Oh no honey don't worry, you know you're always welcome. It's always a pleasure to see your face," she pinches your cheek, "it almost feels like your mother is here."

You smile fondly at the comment. Mrs. Lee was your mother's best friend at the high school she used to teach math at and where you now tutored. Your mother was a dedicated woman who had a passion for teaching and her students, so it was no surprise you often had to wait a couple hours after school for her to drive you home, as she provided the same services. After the accident, Mrs. Lee mentioned as a joke you should continue her infamous tutoring sessions as she claimed you inherited her skills so you tried it. You somehow felt closer to your mother and quickly developed the same passion for the subject as she once had.

"I was going to ask if you would be able to maybe b help out at our job fair this Friday. I just need you to hang out in the front and direct some of the companies we have coming in to the auditorium," she says with pleading eyes.

"Oof, Juni hates me hanging around his school as it is," you tap your finger on your chin, "so yes, of course I'd love to do it."

Mrs. Lee claps excitedly and she excuses herself just as your brother and a couple of his friends walk in. You begin to raise your hand to wave but stop yourself when you remember how lame that might look for him. To your surprise, it's Juni who approaches you first followed by an unfamiliar face.

"What's up Y/N, this is Kim Yeonjun he just transferred here a couple weeks ago and he SUCKS at math." The boys chuckle as the boy with the blue hair playfully punches Juni's shoulder.

He politely bows and you smile at his manners. "Hello, nice to meet you Y/N."

You stand to be more polite and you are taken aback when the boy easily towers over you. You thought Juni was tall but Yeonjun has at least 3 inches on him, forcing you to look up to meet his eyes. "N-nice to meet you too Yeonjun, and please feel free to come anytime you need help in math. I'm here Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays."

He sends you a sweet smile, nodding his head before his cellphone goes off. He answers, his voice low and monotonous compared to his earlier cheery tone.

"Sorry to leave so soon but my driver is outside, again it was nice to meet you Y/N, see you Juni." You both wave until he is gone.

"Driver?" You ask, looking at Juni.

"Oh yeah, Yeonjun's stupid rich," he says nonchalantly, his eyes glued to his phone, "his dad owns some really fancy financial firm downtown."

You proceed to put your things back into your backpack as you snort, "so why does he go to school here?"

"Don't know," Juni shrugs, "said something about being tired of the boring preps at his private school and wanted a real high school experience blah blah blah."

"Hm, well he seems nice," you both walk out of the school, "look out for him.

"Look out for him?" Juni stares at you wide eyed, "did you see the kid, nu uh he's gonna be looking out for me."

You chuckle before ruffling Juni's curls, him swatting your hand away in the process. You both hop into your car and you begin to drive home. Juni props his head up on the window sill with his elbow and hums an incoherent tune.

"How'd your party go?" He suddenly asks.

You don't respond for a second and he continues, "you came home sober so it was obviously not that fun."

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