Off kept quiet for a long time feeling caught off guard by his friend."Listen I need to go Tay, I need to find out what's happening," Off finally said  wanting to avoid talking to his friend unable to handle hearing everything that Tay was dishing out at him at that moment.

"OK but please Off, you know I love you both and don't want to take any sides, just please calm down before you make any decisions, you know how rash you can be when you're upset,"

"Tay.... I already made my decision," Off said before dropping the phone. He mentally made a note to call his friend later knowing Tay wouldn't be too upset about it, more concerned about how this had gotten out in the first place.

After dropping the call he opened his phone and was shocked by what he saw. He had 56 missed calls, 108 new line messages and 20 private message notifications from Instagram. What the hell was going on.

Off quickly called P'Boy who picked up on the first ring "Finally! I've been trying to reach you for the past 3 hours!" he said exasperated into the phone.

Off frowned "P'Boy what is going on? Tay just phoned me asking if I'm leaving Gmmtv and my phone is blowing up with notifications!"

"Errrrrrrrr," P'Boy hesitantly said into the phone. "About that..."

"P'Boy what have you done?" Off asked trying to remain calm though his blood was slowly starting to boil thinking that P' Boy was responsible for all this.

"Listen Off I'm so so sorry, Nadao sent the contract a lot earlier then expected, they sent it to me last evening after we wrapped up shooting and well I printed it so I could read it and make  marks on it if need be but then Kwang accidentally saw it when she came over to my house last night, I begged her not to tell anyone but she still told Jennie about it and well Jennie told the whole of Gmmtv, " P'Boy finished sheepishly.

Off dropped the phone.

" Fuck! " He cried out in anger punching the wall but immediately regretted it when his hand started smarting.

*Ding dong*

Off heard the door bell ring as he shook away the pain. It was probably someone else from Gmm coming to try and convince him not to leave Gmmtv.

'So much for a peaceful day,' Off thought bitterly as he walked to the door trying to figure out how P'Boy could have done a stupid mistake like that!

*Ding dong*

His doorbell cried again. "Oi I'm coming!" Off shouted irritibly wondering how he was going to manage to kick whoever was at the door out of his house.

Off swung  the door open ready to give whoever it was a piece of his mind but his words got stuck in his throat when he saw who was standing before him. "Gun?"

Gun who was standing at his door, his finger frozen in the air and a paper bag in his other hand "Hi Papi," Gun said with a friendly smile though Off could tell it was fake and forced.

"Hey... What are you doing here?" Off asked Gun being the last person he expected to see at his door this morning or ever actually after leaving him like that.

"I brought the clothes you left at my house," Gun said indicating the brown paper bag.

"Sorry, Err come in," Off said standing to the side so Gun could get in and closing the door behind him.

"Wow it's been such a long time since I came here," Gun said looking around Offs place "Still looks good," Gun said awkwardly siting on the couch.

"Err yeah," Off replied equally as awkwardly sitting on the one-sitter couch adjacent to where Gun was sitting.

Silence filled the room for a long time, the awkwardness of it all practically choking Off not sure of what to say.

He didn't think he'd have to face Gun so soon. Seeing Gun sitting on his couch dejected with red rimmed eyes made Offs heart break and ache, he so badly wanted to reach out and and throw Gun into his lap, kissing and tickling him until any and all traces of sadness were gone.

But he couldn't do that, not anymore. It'd only confuse Gun even more and frankly it wasn't his job anymore, he wasn't Gun's boyfriend, fake or real.

"Is it because of me?" Gun finally asked.

"What?" Off asked softly.

"That you are thinking of leaving, is it because of me?" Gun repeated.

Off looked away "No,"

He looked back up at Gun when he heard him laugh but there was no trace of humor in his voice. "So it was because of me then," Gun said with a little sigh.

Off kept quiet unable to deny it. Fuck this is why he hadn't wanted Gun to find out about this!

"Gun I'm really sorry I walked out on you yesterday," Off started to apologize, going a little off-track from their conversation but unable to keep quiet about it anymore desperately wanting Gun to know he was sorry.

"It's fine," Gun said shortly seemingly want to  end the conversation at that but Off couldn't just leave it like that.

"No Gun it's not fi-"

"I said it's fine Papi! Just leave it! None of this is your fault it's my fault," Gun shouted interrupting Off.

"Gun that's not tr-," Off started again but was interrupted by Gun once again.

"I'm the one who stupidly asked you to do this with me despite knowing you'd only agree to do it because of me and no other reason, I'm the one that asked despite those pained looks that sometimes took over your face whenever I accidentally mentioned my feelings, I'm the one who asked so don't worry, it's not your fault, I knew what I was getting myself into from the beginning," Gun said eyes filled with tears and voice a little shaking.

"I'm not here to talk about any of that, I want us to put all of that behind us and forget it ever happened. I should have never been stupid enough to ask you that. It's just you suddenly kissed me one day , then you continued on kissing me again and I guess I got a little hopeful. No actually the truth is I got a little stupid," Gun said with a little shrug tears finally flowing down his face before he quickly wiped them away.

"I'm just here Papi, to beg you to please not leave the company. I promise I'll stop bothering you so much, I'll stop kissing your neck in public, I won't try hold your hand, I'll just treat you like my colleague, we'll ask the company to give us less events together and stop promoting us, the fans will quickly get tired than you can be free of me. Whatever it is you have a problem with we can fix it, just please, don't leave Gmmtv, don't leave me like this "Gun finished with a little choke.

Off sighed feeling sick and nauseous knowing he was the cause for hurting Gun this badly. Gun looked fucking broken sitting on his couch and Off so badly wanted to fix this, fix them, but he didn't know how to without hurting anyone in the process.

Off got up and sat next to Gun. He softly held Gun's hand unable to just sit there anymore without comforting a clearly distraught Gun.

"I won't leave you Gun, I'll never leave you," Off said softly lying to Gun.

Gun's reaction had just showed Off  that they were no good for each other anymore. There was no way he could stay in Gmm knowing that Gun would be hurting every time he saw Off.

There was no going back to the old them.

Gun had entered his life like a thunderclap, bodly and unapologetically brightening everything around it. Just like thunderclap their relationship had come to an end, quietly disappearing before their eyes them unable to do anything to stop it.

He just hoped Gun forgave him one day for leaving him.

Hopefully one day they can get back that special friendship they had before every had come crashing down.

A/N: And with that we have reached the end of this story. Thanks so much everyone for reading. The story turned out a lot more angsty then I had planned, I'm so sorry 😭 I don't even know how this happened. I don't know why I always make Gun suffer so much in my fics, he deserves the world Damnit!

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