"Student life that bad, huh?" His voice was deep and laced with slow running honey that instantly made you relax though his words made you sigh lowly.

"Yeah, finals and stuff," you explained vaguely and he nodded once.

"Well good luck... and stuff," he teased with a small smirk which made you smile to yourself as you collected your drink and card then left to settle yourself at a comfortable looking low down sofa near the back where it was a little warmer.

It was nine already which gave you two hours to get your ass in gear and make some kind of headway in your work before the shop closed its doors for the night.

"I can do this," you encouraged yourself lowly while you set all of your things up again and then dived headfirst into your studies.

After many notes and a few written paragraphs you reached over for the white paper cup by your books only to find the cup oddly light for the amount of coffee you needed it to have. You glanced at the small clock in the bottom right hand corner of your laptop to find that you still had little over an hour to go. Happy to take a break, you fished through your bag again for your purse and once you'd found it you made your way back to the boy behind the bar.

"Milky coffee with lots of sugar?" He raised a brow behind his low hanging bangs and you nodded with a tight lipped smile.

"That's the one," you confirmed with a hint of warmth rising to the surface of your cheeks.

While the boy had his back to you you idly took in his figure. He was slim, from what you could see through the tied apron and thick black crewneck sweater underneath, and he was quite a few inches taller than you; something you always appreciated. His shoulders weren't too broad for his frame which was nice but more than anything you liked his thighs and the perky ass they lead to.

"You done?" He suddenly asked and you shook yourself back into the real world.

"Huh?" You hummed in surprise when you realized you'd just been staring dangerously close to his crotch after he'd turned around and you had yet to notice.

"Nothing," he smirked, allowing an amused breath to flow through his nose and chest. Your face suddenly burned and you trained your eyes onto the light scratches in the wooden counter as you handed over your gift card.
Well, that was another person you'd embarrassed yourself in front of this finals season.

The first victim being your classmate, Kim Namjoon, when you had not just tripped yourself up but also him in your zombie like state a few days ago, you still had the small bruises on your arms and knees to prove it too. Now your latest victim was the cute nameless barista who you'd just unintentionally undressed with your eyes and worst of all you didn't even get to enjoy any imaginary undressing because you were too far gone into your own mind.

"Enjoy the coffee," he drawled lowly while he placed your card on top of your cups lid.

"Yeah. Great, thanks," you answered almost too quickly before you were rushing as far away from him as you possibly could. "What is wrong with me?" You mouthed to yourself while you stressed out all over again.

An hour. Just one more hour of intense internal suffering in front of the barista who you were sure was staring holes into the back of your skull and then you could pass out on your subpar mattress.

That thought alone sounded like heaven to you so you quickly refocused your attention onto the one thing in this room that could make time cease to exist; your college assignment.

"Hey, I'm about to lock up, you're not homeless are you?" The boy from behind the bar cocked a brow after you angled your head up into his direction, he stood at the end of the sofa and table without his apron and instead blanketed by a thick black jacket.

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