27- Graduation

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A/N Aight. So I finally have an update schedule for this fic. So I'll be updating this fic on Tuesdays. Also. We're almost to the end of this fic. A lot has gone into it, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. The last chapter will be marked as "Finale" in the title. With that being said, this chapter is a time skip, So River is now a senior, and getting ready to graduate. I hope you guys enjoy reading this. Stay safe, and as always, comment any spelling or grammar mistakes and I will do my best to fix them.

-Ray's POV-

Today was the start of River's last week of high school. She'd be graduating at the end of next week, and I was in denial.

"Ray, Come on! We've gotta get River to school!" She had her drivers license, but after she got it she said she didn't want to drive herself to school, because she missed out on time with us and the baby. Who was finally born about a year ago. A little girl, named Layla.

"Okay, I'm coming!" I grabbed my shoes and put them on before walking downstairs and helping River and Hayley with the baby. Oh yeah, Hayley has been staying here. She took a gap year so she could help River with the baby, and talk about colleges.

We all got into the car and started the drive to school. The drive there was honestly nerve wracking. This is one of the last times I'll be able to take my daughter to school. One of the last times I'll be able to say goodbye to her as she leaves the car . I hated it.

*Time Skip to the end of the following week. Graduation Day*

-Mikey's POV-

"Dad, I don't know if I wanna graduate" River said to me, sounding unsure of everything happening around her. I was curling her hair so she could do her makeup and we weren't going to run late.

"Why not? You've worked so hard for this" I understood where she was coming from, at first I didn't wanna graduate either. But I was curious.

"I'm gonna miss you guys. So much" Ohhh I get it now. She wasn't ready to grow up, and have to leave.

"River, hun. You and Hayley can stay here for as long as you want. You're always welcome" I reminded her.

"Now, we have to get outta here or you're gonna be late"

She stood up grabbing her shoes and putting them on and we were on our way.

*Time skip to after graduation*

I was definitely sobbing. My daughter, who we picked up while on tour with Waterparks, just graduated high school, beside all her best friends.

"Alright hun, We gotta get going.We've got a celebration to get to" I said to River, little did she know we were throwing her a graduation party.

We headed out and towards Frank and Gerard's house, where the party was taking place.

We spent all night partying with River and all her close friends and family. There were a lot of adventures ahead of us.

A/N Holy shit. This was difficult. I can't believe we're almost to the end of the story. I really hope you guys enjoyed this.

School got cancelled, so I'll have a lot of time to write, so Expect updates for all of my pics throughout this week.

Stay safe 

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