Chunin Exams part 2

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??:Ugh where is Anko she is late
**glass shatters and Anko jumps in through the window**
Anko:Ha I'm here you let a lot of them pass I want to cut this number in half. Alright everybody follow me!
*they head to the forest of the dead and each team is at a gate*
"You start off with either a heaven or earth scroll and need to fight to get the other scroll."
(Ps Naruto hears about orochimaru and is allowed to interfere)
*Team 7*
"Okay guys we have a Heaven scroll we just need an earth scroll now"*said Sasuke*
"Okay sasuke kun ."+exclaimed Sakura*
*they go into the woods and see a woman with the earth scroll*
*they manage to burn off her skin and finds out its orochimaru*
*Naruto watches from the shadows*
"Kkukkuukkuu y'all are too weak to beat me but you Sasuke have potential!"
"I would never join your side!"
*Orochimaru curses Sasuke but Naruto jumps down to save them and gets bit too*
"Shadow clone jutsu!"*Naruto yelled as he makes 1000 clones*
*he scares off orochimaru and they get an earth scroll*
"Be careful next time!"*Naruto whispered as he disappears into the shadows*
"Let's go we wanna be the first team there!"*they arrive at the tower and are the first team there
**time skip to preliminary matchrs**
"First match Ino Vs Sakura"
*Sakura smiles to herself"Thanks to Sensei's help I have new tricks up my sleeeve"
"Begin!"*Sakura dodges the pathetic punches from Ino and waves hand signs and says Water cyclone jutsu it knocks out Ino making her the winnef*
"Sakura Haruno Wins!"
*bla bla bla*
"Kiba inuzuka vs Sasuke Uchiha!"
"Okay the winners advance to the finals which happen in 2 months for now you train with you sensei's!"

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