Chunin Exams part 1

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All:I believe so and We think we should go register now.
Naruto:alright lets go guys.
**they head to the building to go register and then head to the building where the exams are taking place**
Lee:hey let us in this is the third floor!
Chunin:you have to try to get past us first loser
Sasuke:let us through now or else!**he starts to twist back the guys arm*^
Chunin:Stop please stop it hurts so much please stop it just go through already
Sasuke:thank you
**all of the possible chunin flood into the room**
**they see a boy with glasses and gray hair sitting in the corner holding a deck of cards in his hand**
**Team 7 decides to go over to him and sit down **
Kabuto:Hello there  may I help you
Sasuke:what do those cards say
Kabuto:info on people I have been to the chunin exams 7 times and failed you want information on somebody and anybody I'm your guy
Sasuke:tell me about Gaara of the hidden sand Rock lee of the hidden leaf and Naruto Of the Hidden leaf village as well
Kabuto: awe man you know their names that's no fun he takes out the 3 cards as the teacher walks in
???:take a seat everyone as I hand out the test with the questions on them
**he hands them out to everyone and than starts the timer**
**Sasuke uses his Sharingan to cheat on the rest while Kankuro uses a puppet and Gaara uses an eye**
???:alright everybody time is up are you ready for the 10th question these people failed and they must leave now ??:team 89,23,45,67,11 etc
**very few teams remained as he said the rules for the last questin**
??;If u wish you may leave now and retake it next time if not you Must answer if you get it all  wrong your not allowed to participate in the exams ever again
**everybody stayed in their seats as he smirks and then says**
???:you all pass

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