Team Seven

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*Naruto waits 5 minutes and they all come 1 by 1*
Naruto:okay guys were gonna be introducing ourselves
Sakura:can you explain so we know what to do?
Naruto:I will go first I'm Naruto my likes are likes I have dislikes I have hobbies my dream none of your business
All in mind:we literally only learned his name.
**they all sweatdrop**
Sasuke:I'm Sasuke I like training and my cousin I dislike most people and fangirl my hobbies are training and training my dream no my ambition is to restore my clan and to kill my brother Itachi.
Hinata:H-hi I'm Hinata I like training ANF reading I dislike rude mean evil cruel fangirl and mean people my hobbies are reading my dream is to make my father proud
Sakura:I'm Sakura my likes are *looks at Sasuke and giggles* my dislikes are Ino Pig
My hobbies are *Looks at Sasuke and giggles more* my dream is to *looks at Sasuke and squeals*
Naruto:um now that we got that over with Its time for the genin exams Meet me at training ground 46 tomorrow at 10 am make sure to not eat breakfast * he disappears*
Sasuke:make sure to eat even tho he said not to you can't fight on an empty stomach.Also the key To the rest is Teamwork so we need to train*they run to the training grounds*
*They arrive* Sasuke:Sakura and Hinata do 40 pushups and stops then do 10 laps around the forest.
**they do it over and over again**
**They all go home**
*Naruto is waiting in the forest and they arrive*
Naruto:okay you need to try to get a bell from me before 12 or you go back to the academy
All:yes **They all disappear**
Naruto:3 2 1 start!
*Sasuke starts fighting him and does the hand sings for fireball jutsu
Sasuke:Fire Style Fireball Jutsu!
*it just misses Naruto*
*while he isn't looking Sakura and Hinata punch the ground and it cracks*
*They continue until 12*
Naruto:you didn't get a bell so you PASS!
Naruto:the hidden meaning was teamwork congrats.
All:Woohoo we are official genin!.
**They head to the hokage office**
Hokage:Team 7?
Naruto:passed with flying colors I say we could take a c mission right now
Hokage:you need to do 30 D rank missions first
**They do the first 1**
Naruto:Awesome Fox at position c 15 meters
Sasuke:emo rat at position B 20 meters ready
Sakura:cherry blossom at position D 100 meters ready
Hinata:I have the cat
*They head back*
lady:oh Tori my sweet baby I missed you*hugs really tight*
Naruto:not to be rude but maybe if you didn't hug him so tight he wouldn't run away
Lady:oh okay*stops and starts petting and it purrs*
**1 month later**
Hokage:okay you can do your first c rank mission

Naruto sensei{Hiatus{जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें