just you

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imagine being the only person who can hug and get a hug from Lee Jihoon.

"Aish! Hoshi-yah! " Was the first thing you heard upon stepping in front of Seventeen's dorm. You laughed, knowing who was yelling and the reason why. You knocked three times and patiently waited for someone to open the door.

Jun pulls the door open and smiles. "(Y/n)! What a surprise! "

You smiled and quickly gave him a hug. Jun lets you enter and calls for the other members, to which they stumbled into the living room in a rush. They each gave you welcoming hugs, leaving Woozi last.

"(Y/n)," he stutters your name, blushing in embarrassment.

You giggled and opened your arms. Woozi shakes his head, a smile on his face, before making his way to you. He was shorter than you by a few centimeters and you were so proud to show it. Woozi doesn't feel bothered when he gets teased by you because, well, he likes you.

"Oh, come on! " The two of you broke apart when you heard Hoshi whine. He had a pout on his face as he motions to Woozi, who had his arm around your waist.

"You hug her but not me? Unfair! "

The rest of the boys shared knowing looks and glanced at Woozi's beet red face as he hides behind you, groaning. You looked down at Woozi and asked, "why not? "

"Weird," Mingyu pipes in. "He doesn't hug any of us. Ever. Just you, I guess."

"I'm special then."

"Yes, you are," he mumbles under his breath.

"What? "


𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘.Where stories live. Discover now