Chapter 2: D E R O G AT E

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[to take away; annul partially]

"I wouldn't have thought you'd make it, Boss." A smirk played on Matt Jackson's lips greeting Sonya McMahon upon her arrival to the MGM arena.

"This show would collapse without me." she teased knowing fully well she did not have much control of what was to come in tonight's show, the first ever PPV for the company, one which had them in MGM and surprisingly sold out of all things said and done.

She had hugged the man as well as his wife, Dana. A smile was on her face all throughout, as she looked at the empty arena in all of its glory. In just a span of ten hours, the doors would finally open for the audience. The crowds would be bustling and she would once again be brought back to the moment where she enjoyed wrestling in all its gory details.

The past she had once had feuding with everyone involved with Bullet Club was forgotten, she understood now where they were coming from. They were promised something they were not given. It was a sad reality that each and every single one of them accepted and moved on from.

In their move, they were brought to a much better place together. A place where the ghost of the former ruler will no longer reign upon them and they were to pave their own path for the better, for both the fans as well as the wrestlers as well.

"Anyone from E that I should be expecting for tonight?"

"Not that I heard of right now."

She nodded.

For the last couple of weeks, her attention had been solely on Dean Ambrose—or rather Jon Moxley as he was now known for again. The man had returned back to the Indies and she was haunted by the ghost of her once beautiful past. The man had become her unhealthy obsession for the course of weeks. Both her son and her lawyer had question it and she would often state it was just to keep tabs.

She didn't have much control on the situation especially when Tony Khan was interested in the man notwithstanding their shared past and the implication it may lead if they were in the same room together.

The man had decorated himself well since his departure from WWE, winning the IWGP United States Championship from NJPW to the other accolades he had made for himself. Everything was just bound to happen one way or another, the very idea scared her more than anything.

She promised herself she would stop. She had accepted that vengeance was not the answer, it will never be. It had brought her more harm than good for the past few years. She fought for something she wasn't certain she actually deserved anymore. Her moments with her Doctor and the hard reality that she was finally a mother brought her back to what was really important in her life. Her family and her career were now all that she needs.

"As much as I love Omega, my bucks are still on Jericho on this one." She teased knowing early on the outcome before anyone else. She had a vision that only Jericho could possibly pioneer for the next generation of new breed of Wrestling.

"Wanna bet on it then, Ms. McMahon?" Matt smirked.

"Don't make a deal with the devil, Jackson. You might just not keep it." She winked finally excusing herself so she could roam the ring as the crew continue on with making sure the entire arena was all set.

Her heart for the first time in what felt like months was finally beating for the new experience she was to have. This was her new beginning, this was where she could be free to make her own decision and without anyone or anything shadowing her every move.

"You do know you have an interview in a few minutes, right?"

A smile couldn't help but linger on her face, raising her hands up in surrender, she turned to the owner of the voice. Caroline Parker, her infamous assistant and one of the few people to fix the mess that came with running two companies at the same time.

"You got me." Sonya sighed hugging her assistant and accepting the coffee she held for her. "Thought I could hide long enough for you to just cancel it all." She teased taking a sip of the vanilla cappuccino moaning at the warm concoction provided to her.

"And having myself answer to Tony? I don't think so, Honey." She smirked guiding her towards the backstage where she knew several reporters were now waiting for her, more so upon knowing she was an executive for AEW who was so closely involved with the very same company she has full ownerships over.


A smile played on her face as she watched through the monitor the match between Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega.

With her headphones and mic on live, she was able to make sure everything was done right, with Cody Rhodes alongside her, both of them tag teaming to make sure the show would be the best it could ever be. Excitement was bubbling her insides as she watched the cheers from the crowd.

She never felt this much excitement in WWE before. This was what she had hoped to strive when she fought for the company, but now knowing she didn't want anything to do with the company anymore, maybe it was time for her to let go of it, even if it meant making waste of all the efforts she had made in the past.

As soon as the bell had rang, she looked pointedly at Matt, voicelessly reminding him of the wager he had attempted to make with her earlier about the match. She knew without an ounce of doubt that the win was for the best right now, everyone else had agreed either way.

Pulling off her headphones, she was now left to enjoy the end of the show with Chris Jericho continuing on with his promo.

"Mark my words, we will sold out on Maddison Square Garden by next year." She predicted earning a cheer of agreement from the Bucks as they watched alongside in the monitor room. Her hand taking a good handful of red licorice and eating without a care in the world.

"Give or take September 2020." Tony Khan pointed out earning a giggle from the youngest McMahon and a wink knowing it might be earlier than that with this state of their momentum.

When her eyes landed back in the monitor, all the bubbly happiness she was once feeling for the success of the PPV had died down as the crowd had gone even wilder.

Coming down from the audience was the very things she had expected to happen but wished never to come true. Jon Moxley has made his appearance in AEW apparent.

Letting go of the sweets in her grasp, her hands shaking with the reality she was now going to live in. Finally the ghost of her relentless past was coming back to haunt her and she had nothing else to do but accept her fate and wished for something, anything to help her gate away from the mad man that ruined her life.

She stared at Tony, gauging her reaction. From day one, the man had known about her implication with the debuting wrestler. The bloodshed, the love, and the heartbreak that came with meeting a man like Jon Moxley. He knew about why she left WWE under Triple H and Shane McMahon's dysfunctional control, how she couldn't bear the betrayal above everything else she fought for.

"Do you trust me?" Her business partner had asked.

"Yes. I don't trust him." She answered honestly, the confusion on everyone's face was evident but it meant the less they knew, the better for all of them.

She couldn't watch anymore, knowing she had nothing else planned after the show, she had excused herself, stepping away from the confines of the arena. In the parking lot, was surprisingly deserted, she screamed her lungs out, the frustration of finally building the walls back up only for the bastard to come and destroy it all.

Her shaky fingers pulled out her phone, she needed to make calls. Some of which she wasn't prepared to make, but needed. Now more than she ever thought possible.

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