Chapter 25

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                                                                           Chapter 25

                                                                       Tommy’s p.o.v

        “My parents are what!?!” I shrieked, out of both fear and shock. My dad had just got done telling me the story. To say I was shocked was an understatement. How did I not know my parents were vampires? Or better yet, that my mom had been kidnapped by vampires!?  

        Ok Tommy, just relaxed. I’m sure this is perfectly normal. I mean, a lot of fourteen year old boys find out their parents are vampires, right? Who I am kidding? This isn’t normal!  This is anything but normal! This is insane!

        “How could you not tell me my parents are vampires! Like what the hell!? That would have been nice information to know oh I don’t know, fourteen years ago!” I exclaimed, as the anger began to hit.

        All my life I’ve been lied to. My whole life has practically been a lie. They lied to me about everything! They lied about what they were, they lied about how they met, they probably lied about being my parents!

        Ok wait, lets not get carried away with ourselves here. Obviously I’m there biological child. I act and look to much like Dad not to be. So that’s clearly not a possibility.

        “Look, Tommy, we know you’re upset. We understand that. But please, just try to understand that what we did was for the best. We did it to protect you.” My mother tried to convince, but what is lying going to do to protect me?

        “Protect me from what! The truth?” I argued back, getting a sigh from both my parents.

        “No Tommy, the supernatural world is a dangerous place. We didn’t want you to have anything to do with it. Not until we were sure you were ready,” my father explained, easing my anger a bit.

        Ok, so maybe I over reacted a bit. Maybe I should have waited for them to explain themselves. But in my defense, I was shocked. I was surprised, stunned, and just plain flabbergasted. It’s a lot to take in.

        “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. I was a little shocked is all, I guess I just wasn’t thinking straight,” I sighed, not really knowing what else to say.

        “Tommy, we understand. Trust me, do you know how terrified I was when I found out the boys were vampires? I was scared shitless. But hey, I’m still here right? I survived, and so will you. And someday, you’ll be one to. When the time is right that is,” my mom explained, causing me to furry my eyebrows together.

        Me? A vampire? I don’t want to be a vampire! I don’t want to kill innocent people! Actually, I can’t kill innocent people. I can’t, I just can’t. I’m just not cut out for that kind of thing.

        “But I don’t want to be a vampire. I’m not even sure I can handle it. Just the thought of drinking someones blood makes me want to puke. I can’t be a vampire, I’m just not cut out for that kind of thing,” I sighed, getting an exchanged look from my parents.

        “Tommy, you don’t have much of a choice. It’s in your genes. Your mom’s a vampire, and so am I. In a way, you already are a vampire. Just an underdeveloped vampire. I’m sorry Tommy, there’s nothing I, or anyone for that matter can do to change it,” Dad explained.

        Honestly, I had no idea how to feel about that. I didn’t want to be a vampire. I’ve already explained that. But now I didn’t have a choice? This was all too much to take in. It was all too much to comprehend.

        Of course, in that exact moment, my dear sister decided to make her entrance into the room. Only making it harder for me to comprehend all of this. Oh, did I mention she had two small pair of fangs hanging out of her mouth? When did that happen?

        “I’m guessing now’s a bad time?”

A/N Ok, so this chapter was a bit boring. Yes, I know. To be honest, I really didn't know how to go about this chapter. I'm hoping to have so more dramatic scenes up and going in the next chapter...Hopefully. 

Our Parents Are Vampires? (Trilogy To Loved By A Vampire?)Where stories live. Discover now