Chapter 20

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                                                                    Chapter 20

        Looking around, the room was dark. Not a speck of light to be seen. Suddenly, a door opened. Letting a flood of light shine through. All though there was light, I couldn’t make out the shadowy figure that now stood in the door frame.

        As the figure began to step forward, I began to scoot back. That is, until my back hit the wall. The figure let out a dark laugh. Although the voice sounded familiar, I couldn’t quite put my finger on where it is I’ve heard this voice before.

        Through the darkness, I could make out long hair. The figure continued to move closer and closer. The closer she got, the more my fear began to grow. I wanted nothing more than for this to end. Who was this person? What did they want with me? Better yet, why was I here?

        “W-who are you? W-why am I here?” I stuttered, the only thing I could manage to speak through all the fear that just seemed to grow more and more. But, I didn’t exactly get an answer. Just a dark chuckle in response.

        “Now, now, lets not get too ahead of ourselves here. The only thing you need to know is here, you have no chance. You might as well kiss away your life as you know it. Because soon, it’ll be taken away from you. Watch yourself Evelyn, because I’m coming for you. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow. Just know, it will be the moment when you least expect it.”

        As my eyes snapped opened, I began to pant. I head sweat rolling down my face, and my arms had began to shake, but why? I know it had something to do with a dream. But why couldn’t I remember it? It’s as if something, or someone, had blocked my mind away from it. Forcing me to forget. I just didn’t understand.

        Looking around, I noticed I was in a room. But this room, wasn’t mine. In fact, this wasn’t even my house. Where am I? Did I get kidnapped? Am I being held hostage?

        With that thought, I could feel my eyes begin to widened. Jumping off the bed, I immediately ran out the door. I continued down the hall, until I felt a figure crash into mine.

        Falling to the floor, I held my head in pain. Looking up, I saw an all too familiar mop of curly hair, and concerned green eyes. Immediately, I jumped off the floor and embraced him into a bone crushing hug. Allowing the newly formed tears to slide down my cheeks.

        “Babe, sh, it’s ok. I’ve got you. Nothings going to hurt you. You're going to be all right,” he soothed in my ear. But how did he know? How did he know everything was going to be alright? Because deep down inside, I had a feeling. A feeling something wasn’t right. And I knew whatever it was I was feeling, was right.

Jealyn’s p.o.v

        As I watched my daughter storm out of the house, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh. This is all my fault. How could I not have known my own daughter was hurting? How could I have allowed things to get this far? I’m such a horrible mother. I couldn’t stop being the immature teenager I am for one second, and now she’s gone. Out on the streets, cold and alone.

        Springing from the chair, I took of out the door. Running down the street, I began my search for Evelyn. It was my fault she was out here. It was up to me to fix this.

        In the background I could hear constant shouts of my name. Followed by the sound of footsteps. I knew they were Louis. There was no doubt about it. As if confirming my suspicions, Louis popped out in front of me, causing my to come to a stop.

        “What Lou? Can’t you see I’m trying to find our daughter?” I asked, annoyed at the loss of time this was causing. Because the more and more I waited, the further and further she got. Lowering my chances of ever finding her.


        “Not by yourself you’re not. I’m the one who yelled at her, I’m the one who’s going to help you look,” he firmly stated, getting a head shake from me.

        “No Lou, this is all my fault! I’m the one who couldn’t see she was hurting! I’m the one who allowed her to go over the edge! Instead of being a mature, responsible, mother, I just ignored it! It’s all my fault Louis! Can’t you see that? This is all my fault!

        I try so hard to be a good mother. I do, I really do. But it seems that everything I do is wrong! Why is that? Why can’t I ever do anything right? I just don’t understand Lou, I just don’t. What am I doing wrong?” I cried out, as the sound of rolling thunder crumbled upon the earth.

        As Louis gave me a bewildered look, silence feel between us. As lightning flashed across the sky, the sound of thunder continued to roll. Only adding on to the already dramatic scene.

        “Jealyn Tomlinson, you are doing absolutely nothing wrong. Yes, you do make a handful of mistakes. I’m pretty sure Liam has made that quite clear. But Jealyn, everyone does. But when it comes to the kids, there isn’t one mistake you’ve made.

        Sure, you’re parentings not the best. No one’s is. But Jealyn, if there’s one thing you’re good at it’s loving those kids dearly. So don’t ever think for a second you’ve failed as a parent, because you’ve mastered the most important part of parenting. And that’s showing your kids you love them.

        Jealyn, the twins love you. Infact, I can pretty much guarantee Grace already loves you. You want to know why? It’s because you never fail to leave a smile on there face. Whenever you’re around, there’s never a dull moment. And that’s because you care. You love them with every piece of your heart. You’d have to be blind not to see it. And that’s why I love you,” Louis gushed, causing tears to form in my eyes.

        As the tears began to fall, I crashed my lips onto his. As if on cue, the rain began to fall from the clouds, only adding onto the moment. Honestly, I couldn’t have been any happier with the love of my life. Any doubts in my mind on the relationship we had, disappeared off the faze of the earth. Not that they existed to begin with. Louis loved me, and I loved him. He never failed to show it either. That’s how I knew I had the best husband anyone could ever ask for.   




A/N Yes I know, this update is long over due. I know, I know. But, being the beginning of a new quarter teachers feel it's fun to give unnecessary homework that I didn't want to due but I did anyway out of force. On top of that, I've just been really tired this week. I don't know why I've been so tired, I just have I guess. But anyways, seeing as a lot of you like when I write in Jealyn's p.o.v, I decided I'd use her p.o.v more often. That is, if that's what you guys want. Also, a lot of you have been asking about Tommy and I promise all those questions will be answered in the next chapter.  

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