Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Jealyn's p.o.v

"Well, that went well. Don't you think?" I asked, shutting the door once Josh had finally left the room. Two hours; two full hours of explaining everything. Ok, so maybe not everything. We, of course, left a few minor details out. Ya know, stuff like the fact that I happened to be kidnapped by vampires? Minor stuff really. Nothing too terribly major....

What? Don't give me that look! Ok, so what? It is a major detail! What was I suppose to do? You don't just go around telling people you haven't seen in fifteen years that their sister's a vampire and is no longer human! Come on guys. Let's be real here. How well do you think that would have went over? Not well at all! So yes, obviously I had to lie.

"Jealyn, we were barely able to pull that off! Really, Jealyn? You just had to tell him you had been abducted by aliens and had all your memory sucked out of you!? What the hell? You should just be lucky I was there to save you! Who knows what would have happened if we actually went along with that story!" Louis began to flip. Personally, I believe he's just being over exaggerate. Who's to say people can't be abducted by aliens? Vampires exist don't they? So who's to say aliens don't exist? Come on, Louis. Get with the program.

"How could you speak about aliens that way!? They have feelings too you know! Besides, how do you know I've never been abducted by aliens? For all you know I could actually be an alien. Better yet, you all could have been lying to me this whole time. You guys aren't vampires! You guys are aliens! Oh my gosh, I'm in love with an alien! I've been kissed by an alien! Oh my go-"

"Jealyn, I am not an alien! You have seen my fangs. You know I am anything but an alien. Anyways, thanks to you, we know have dinner with your parents. So, why don't you go find our kids so we can get going. I just want to get this done and over with." With that, Louis walked out of the room. Looking both stressed and worried about the events to come.

Right, did I mention I was going to see my parents again? You see, Louis had made up some lie. Saying he had found me abandoned in some ally. Claiming that after I had woken up, I didn't have the slightest clue as to who I was. Acting as if he was some hero, he said he had taken me. Agreeing to take care of me until my memory had started to come back. Only to find the two of us had fallen in love.

Josh, being completely gullible and naive, believed him. Immediately suggesting we meet my parents for dinner. So they could thank him properly for 'taking care of their little girl and beloved sister'. You want to know the worst part? Jayden was in town. Meaning he would be at this 'reunion dinner'. Jayden already knows the full story. In fact, he had even lived with us for a few months when he had first moved to London! What if he accidentally slips something up? According to the rest of the world, Jayden has absolute no idea where I am. Or that I'm alive in general. Of course, within our own little group, we all know that's a complete lie. The reason for him moving to London was all because of me.

This was bad. What if they all realized something wasn't right? I mean, it's been fifteen years and I haven't even changed in the slightest. I'm suppose to be thirty two by now! Yet, here I am, haven't even aged a day for seventeen! Maybe they won't notice. Maybe they'll think I have good genetics or something? I mean, Josh and Jayden look fairly young for their age...Of course, they don't look like innocent teenagers anymore either. That's it, I'm officially screwed.

Sighing, I walked out of Louis and I's hotel room. Heading over to Bree and Harry's hoping to find my two fourteen year old twins. Only to find the two had never even been here. Wait, what? I saw them walk up here! Where on earth would they even be!?

"Are you sure they aren't here? I sent them up here two hours ago. I haven't seen them since. I just figured they were here with you," I asked, getting a sympathetic smile from Harry. As he shook his head at me slightly.

"No, sorry Jea. I haven't seen them once today. I thought I heard them out in the hall earlier today, though. I went out to check only for them to be gone. I just assumed they were with you. I'll let you know if I see them though," he smiled, I simply gave him a slight nod. Thanking him before I turned to walk away.

That was weird. If they weren't in Harry's room then where could they be? I know I saw them come up here. So where else would they have gone? I tried to check the other boys' rooms. Only to find they weren't there. In fact, now that I think about it. I couldn't pick up Tommy's scent anywhere. Evelyn's I knew I wouldn't be able to track. But Tommy's? He's still human. I can usually track him down from a mile away!....It's not stalkerish. I'm his mother. I have the right to know where he's at...Not that I ever track him down or anything. That would just be weird. I do give them their privacy. I'm not Louis. I'm not that overprotective.

"Louis! We have a um, slight problem," I called, walking into our room. Immediately, Louis was standing directly in front of me. His eyebrow raised and arms crossed over his chest. Immediately, I knew he was assuming I did something wrong. These people truly have no faith in me.

"Ok, I know what you're thinking. However, before you say anything, I would just like to clarify I didn't do anything! I swear I didn't! I swear I didn't break anything this time!" I explained, holding my hands up in surrender. Louis simply rolled his eyes at me. Before gesturing me to continue.

"Jealyn, we really don't have time for this. What's the problem? I though you were just going to get the kids?" I questioned, causing me to tense up slightly. As I wasn't very sure as to how I was suppose to break the news. I mean, two of our kids were missing! To be quite honest with you, I didn't have a very good feeling about this. Something had to have happened to them. In fact, I know something had happened to them. It wasn't like them to just disappear like this. Not like them at all.

"Louis, the twins are gone."



I'm not even going to bother adding an authors note this time...What can I say? Another late and short chapter.

Our Parents Are Vampires? (Trilogy To Loved By A Vampire?)Where stories live. Discover now