Hyung Line - Unlucky Days

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Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin were all in the kitchen, arguing.
Apparently it was because someone broke the plate, and never owned up to it.

Of course, all the guesses went to Namjoon first, who denied them almost immediately.

"I didn't break the damn plate! Hyung, you know when I break something I always own up" He whined to Jin.
"You're not only the god of destruction, but also the god of lying" Hoseok scoffed.

Jin silenced them.
"Enough. Someone will have to own up before tomorrow's concert, or else-"
There came footsteps and they all went quiet.

Yoongi came in, looking as if he was about to murder someone.
He had been very sick the past few days, so he looked pale when he came in.

"It is. Four. In. The morning. What the hell are you all doing up?!" He hissed.

"The same could go to you-" Started Namjoon, but Yoongi fixed him with a glare that made Namjoon shut up.
"What's all this about?"

"We're solving the mystery of a broken plate" Piped up Hoseok.
"The mystery of the what now?"
"Plate. Someone broke the plate and never owned up!" Said Jin.

"And is that a matter to discuss at 4 in the morning? You woke up Jimin and Taehyung. If you woke Jungkook up, your heads would be long gone" He snarled.

They all were silenced once again.
True, who the hell with a sane mind discusses a stupid plate at 4 in the morning?

"Up to bed. We have a busy schedule today.." Mumbled Yoongi, going up to bed.
They went to bed, and everything seemed fine until 6.

Thats when Yoongi's sickness started to act up, and he was getting sick violently into the toilet.
They hadn't seen him this sick since last year.

Everyone had got up, knowing they wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.
Jin, however, wasn't feeling so well.

He didn't eat, and that's very unusual for him.
His throat felt scratchy, and he just felt terrible.
He was also pale, so it was obvious something was wrong.

"Hyung? What's wrong?.." Asked Namjoon, going to him.
"Nothing. Eat that damn egg, would you? We're going soon" Jin hissed.
Namjoon opened his mouth to speak, but decided it wasn't safe enough.
He went to continue eating his breakfast, scooping up the remains of the sausage and the egg.

Yoongi protested, saying he would come to the schedule, and none of them would stop him, even the manager.
Later on in the day, Hoseok started to feel off too.

What the hell was going on?

After practice was finished, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung and Jimin, and dragged them into a room.
"Yo, guys. What's going on with the hyungs?" He asked.
Taehyung shrugged.
"I dunno know. Ask them. They look sick, though" He replied.

"What if Yoongi hyung got them sick? I mean.. He was the one sick first" Said Jimin, scratching the back of his neck.
"Probably... Look. Its spreading quick. Namjoon hyung isn't sick yet, so we have to protect him" Said Jungkook.

"How.. The hell do we do that?" Said Taehyung.
"We make sure he stays away from the ones sick!" said Jungkook.
"But you understand that the sickness they all have travels through droplets? It won't be so easy"

Jungkook and Jimin looked at Taehyung.
"Since when are you smart?" Asked Jungkook.
"Since always"

In the end, They all agreed to try it, and rushed out to complete their mission.
Everyone was resting, Namjoon was reading a book.
He was sitting next to Yoongi, who looked like he could get sick any second now.

Jungkook realised and he quickly went to Namjoon.
"Uh, Namjoon hyung. Can you come with me... For.. A second because... Taehyung got his head stuck in the toilet again" He said quickly.

Taehyung, who was just about to come in, heard it.
He froze and was about to scold Jungkook, when Jimin grabbed him.
"I'm sorry" Is all he said, and he  dragged him to the toilet.
Namjoon frowned, putting the book down.

"Again? Jeez does he not have anything else to do?" Grumbled Namjoon, getting up.

Jungkook chuckled nervously, watching as Namjoon left, before quickly going to Yoongi and helping him to a separate room.

It was a very wacky 5 hours of practice, with the older members getting worse.

-Next day, Concert-

It was the day of the concert, and the maknae line were praising themselves for having Namjoon protected from the sickness.
He seemed completely fine the next day, and the others looked okay, Yoongi not so much but no one was getting him off stage at all.

They were backstage, getting ready to go out.
There were loud cheers, and chanting of their names.
Soon enough, they went out on stage, and the cheers increased in volume as the music came on.

Through the first 3 songs, everything seemed to be going fine, until the 4th one came, Mic drop.
In the middle of it Yoongi turned pale and stumbled, falling down.
A staff member quickly ran out and took him backstage, fans screaming.

The maknae line looked at each other in fear before going back to performing.
But things started to go downhill pretty fast.
Hoseok had become less energetic, resulting in him fainting on stage and yet another staff member coming out to take him back.

Thank god, the next song was truth untold—
Or was it good?

In the middle of it, Jin's voice seemed as if it was disappearing, and then all of a sudden he couldn't sing, only cough.
Jungkook quickly took over his part and Taehyung helped him backstage.
The fans were extremely worried by now.

After Truth Untold, they all exhaled in relief, as Namjoon was up next doing forever rain.
However, something was up with him too.
He looked pale and was shaking, also limping slightly.

Before the other members could protest he went out and did his song.
After he was finished it, he thanked every ARMY for coming, and saying a big sorry that they came so sick and that they will be better soon.

Namjoon went backstage quickly, dropping down onto the couch while some staff members tended to him, medics also running over.

The maknae line looked at each other with a tired look.

And then Jungkook coughed.

The other two looked at him, and backed away quickly.


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