Jungkook - A Terrifying Mistake

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It was a dark, misty and wet night.
The street lights were on, illuminating the pathway and part of the road.

Rain drops fell on the window, making the whole glass wet and blurry.
You could barely make out the figures outside because of how hard it was pounding down outside.

A small child, around 13 years old, was pushing a box to the window so he could stand on it.
His window was so high up, even he, as a 13 year old, couldn't reach it.
His mother had built the window so high up, because she didn't want little, innocent Jungkook seeing the cruel world outside.

-Every morning Jungkook woke up, and went into the kitchen.
His mom wasn't there.
He never knew where she was, he just knew that one night she told him she would be back.

He didn't even realise that one night when his mother came home.
But she didn't even get to the front door.

Police cars were everywhere, and they were dragging the now limp with sadness mother into their car.

She didn't even get to say anything about her son.
Her son that meant the whole world to her.
Her son that was left all alone, in a street where no one was safe.

She hoped he would be OK.
If he was hurt already, at least when she'll come home, she'll end his suffering. -

He could now look out the window.

Alright, it was wet, that's for sure.
The water was everywhere, puddles littering their front garden.

He couldn't fall asleep, and sometimes looking out the window helped him take the worries off his mind.

Well, wouldn't you be worrying if your mother just left.
Didn't tell you where she went.
And didn't come back?

His mother every morning would say it was time for the 'medicine' that takes the worries off the mind.
She would take Jungkook to the kitchen, take a knife, and cut his arm.

No matter how much he would scream out in pain, telling her to stop, she'd smile at him, and cut deeper.
At times he would fall unconscious, and his mother would bring him to bed.

She'd close his door, and by the time he woke up, his sleeves were stained with blood.

Blood would be dripping off his hand, onto the snow White duvet.

He would cry at night, begging for help.
He was scared.
Scared of what was exactly happening.

But he was also confused.

Why was his mother doing this to him?
Aren't mothers supposed to protect, and love their children?

Was he different?
Did he need special treatment?

But he loved his mother.
So, so much.
Even though she was hurting him.
Hurting him in ways he didn't even know existed.

Some that would be physical, and it pained him on the outside.
Some that would leave scars all over his weak body.

And then.
Some that hit straight in the heart.

It felt as if his heart was being ripped out from his chest.
His mind seemed to shut off.

And it pained him.
It pained him even more than when she would hurt him physically.

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