Jungkook - Hoarse Throat

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'Jungkook, what's wrong with your vocals this morning? You've been messing up since we came in here!' Shouted the Vocal trainer.
Jungkook had tears in his eyes.
He wasn't feeling well, and his Throat was extremely rough.

'I'm sorry..' He mumbled.
'A sorry won't fix your voice, Jungkook. Go now, and tomorrow you better come back in tip-top condition' The Trainer barked.
Jungkook nodded.

He grabbed his bag, and went out.
It was raining heavily, he was soaking wet and he was only halfway home.
He looked around for shelter, and saw a bus stop.
He quickly ran under its little roof.
He was freezing cold.

10 minutes passed by (and the rain still didn't stop) before he decided to call Yoongi.

He took out his phone, and dialled Yoongi's number.
'What?' Came Yoongi's raspy voice.
'Y-Yoongi H-hyung, Can y-you come pick m-me u-p?' He stammered.
'Where are you? I'll come get you. You seem freezing' He said.
'I'm.. At...XXXXXX XXX XX... '
He dropped the phone.

'Jungkook? Hello?'

He was really cold.
He shivered violently.
He rummaged in his bag for his spare coat, but realised it wasn't there.
Of course, this one time he had forgot it on the hook before leaving.

He cuddled closer into the corner, and hugged himself so he had some kind of warmth.
He heard a car beep.
'Jungkook! Here you are' Said a familiar voice in the distance.
Footsteps came closer, and Jungkook looked up to see Yoongi, wrapped in nice warm clothes, and holding a warm, fur coat.

He helped Jungkook into the Car, and put on the coat for him.
He picked up Jungkook's bag and phone, and put them in beside him.
'How long where you even there before you decided to call me?'
'About 10 minutes..' Mumbled Jungkook.

Yoongi realised how hoarse Jungkook's voice sounded.
'There's no way you're going to practise tomorrow, you're staying at home' Said Yoongi.
Jungkook wanted to refuse, but felt too weak to do so.

They got home, and Jungkook immediately went to bed.
The others were slightly concerned for Jungkook.
Jin went into Jungkook's room, and saw him sleeping.
He sat down on the side of his bed, and ran a hand through Jungkook's hair.
He sighed.
'Why didn't you call earlier, You wouldn't have been sick now'

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