Jimin - Flu

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1.There is going to be fluff in this chapter :3
2. I have linked this story to another one, so watch out, because I'm not putting a hint!

Jimin had been sick for the past few days.
It had all started with stupid rain.


'Jimine Hyung's height is freaking small~'

Jimin pouted as he heard Jungkook chant that sentence again.
'Can you stop?' He whined
'No I can't~' Said Jungkook, sitting on the counter.
Suddenly, Jungkook had an idea.

'Jiminie Hyuuung~'
'What do you want?'

'Wanna go out and play basketball?'

Jimin turned to him angrily.
'Are you making fun of me again?'

'I just asked if you wanted to play basket ball' Said Jungkook.
'But it's cold out, and it's drizzling' Whined Jimin.
'Come on, it's only for a few rounds anyways!'

Jimin groaned and got up.
Taehyung and Yoongi had decided to join in as well.
Yoongi was on Jimin's team, and Taehyung on Jungkook's.

Jimin was kind of grateful to have Yoongi, since he was a great basketball player.
They started.

It had went from drizzling, to lashing in just a couple of minutes.

Yoongi and Jimin had went in, being sensible enough to not stay too long.
Poor Namjoon was asked by Taehyung and Jungkook to come play a couple of rounds, and he couldn't say no, so he went out.

Jimin and Yoongi were soaking wet, water dripping from their hair and coats.
Their hair was plastered back, revealing their cold and wet foreheads.

They had went up to their rooms, and changed.
Jimin had let out a small sneeze.
And thats where it all started.

End of Flashback

Jimin shivered, and looked around.
He was alone, completely alone.
4 members were downstairs, having their dinner.
Jungkook was at the recording studio, practising his vocals.
He had to call Yoongi, as he was caught in the rain.

Jimin wasn't hungry, he had no appetite.

He had ate earlier on (More like, he forced himself to eat) and hadn't ate anything else.

He checked the time.

He looked out the window.

He went in under the sheets again, covering himself up to his nose.
He closed his eyes, and tried falling asleep, but the headache he had just wouldn't let him.
He heard a door open, hurried voices, and then a door shut.

'Get him into bed, he's freezing cold'
'First get him changed, he's soaking wet!'

Jimin was worried, and he got up, his head pounding.
He pulled on his blue fluffy Jacket, and headed downstairs.
'Whats wrong?' Said Jimin, trying to put on the best 'Healthy' voice he could muster.

'I found Jungkook near a bus stop, and he was freezing cold and soaking wet. Close to passing out aswell' Said Yoongi.
Jimin felt bad for Jungkook.

Yoongi suddenly realised how pale Jimin looked.
'Hey, are you OK?' Asked Yoongi.
Jimin glanced at him, and smiled weakly.
'I'm okay, Hyung'

Yoongi was slightly suspicious.

Taehyung came out of Jungkook's room, angry.
He stomped up to Yoongi, and towered over him.
'Why didn't you come earlier for him?!' He shouted.
'Taehyung, get out of my face! -'
'I don't care! He could have died if you weren't there quick enough! '

'Taehyung, you're over exaggerating. He'll be fine-'
'It was freezing cold!-'

Jimin had stepped in between them.
'Please, calm down-' Jimin began, but Taehyung interrupted.
'Go away, Jimin. Don't invade the conversation'

'I won't go until you stop shouting at each other'

Taehyung turned his sharp gaze to Jimin.
Then he did something unexpected.

He punched Jimin.

Jimin fell back onto the ground, clutching his jaw.
Tears welled up in his eyes.

He looked up at Taehyung, whose expression had changed.
He wasn't angry anymore, and the look in his eyes was pure regret.

Yoongi and Jin chorused.

'J-Jimin.. I'm sorry' Stuttered Taehyung, walking towards Jimin, but he quickly shuffled back, terrified.

'L-Leave me alone.. Please' Jimin croaked out, headache coming back, pain in jaw intense and the general of feeling unwell.

He got up, and rushed up the stairs, going into his room and locking the door.
He sat down on his bed, and sobbed.

He just wanted to stop them fighting..

There was a knock on his door.
'Jimin Hyung...I'm really sorry.. I-I didn't mean to hit you, I really didn't..'

The voice belonged to Taehyung.
He sounded as if he was crying as well.
'T-Taehyung.. Leave me alone for now..' Jimin managed to say.
He lied down on his bed, exhausted and in pain.

There were footsteps and sobbing.
It was Hoseok.

'Can you please open...' He pleaded.
Jimin sighed, and he got up to unlock the door.
He went back to his bed, and Hoseok came in, worried.
Jimin lied back down, head pounding.

Hoseok popped his head in, and pouted.
'Are you okay?' He said, coming in.
He closed the door, and came to lie down beside Jimin.

Jimin was used to Hoseok being so close to him.

Hoseok touched Jimin's forehead, and gasped.
'You're burning up!'
He sat up, and quickly unlocked the door, running downstairs.
He came back up with a thermometer, and medicine.
He set the medicine down on the bedside table.

He checked Jimin's temperature.

'Aish, You must be sick from that playing in the rain' Said Hoseok.
He handed Jimin the medicine, and he took it hesitantly.

He then lied down beside Jimin, and hugged him.
Jimin huddled closer into Hoseok's chest, and cuddled with him as well.
His eyes began to droop.
'Go to sleep... I'll be here when you wake up' Said Hoseok's voice.

Jimin closed his eyes, and fell asleep almost immediately.
Jimin woke up at exactly..
He slept long.

He still felt tired.
He heard light breathing close to him.
He looked up, and saw Hoseok.
His head had moved down closer to Jimin, and he was hugging his waist.

Jimin smiled, and closed his eyes again, letting Darkness consume him for the second time.

Yeah I ship Sope, but I'm sorry I JUST LOVE HOSEOK AND JIMIN IDK WHY HELP.
I might make a small filler chapter to make Jimin and Taehyung meet, so they make up.

Anyways, did you spot the Link? ;)

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