J-Hope- Cut

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Today, the boys were practising one of their older songs, We are Bulletproof pt 2.
J-Hope was going out really hard today.

'Hobi, careful, we don't want you to get hurt' Said Jimin after practise.
Hoseok just shrugged it off.
'I'll be fine, Chim, don't worry' He said, winking.
Jimin was still a bit concerned for his Hyung, so he kept an eye on him.

They heard glass shatter.
They all looked over and saw One of the managers standing in front of a broken glass cup.
He quickly cleaned it up, but they didn't realise that a bit of glass was still left.

They started dancing again.
It came to Hoseok's part, and he wanted them to be proud of him, so he went full on in it, except he slipped.


He fell onto the ground with a loud thud.
He felt something sharp go into his hand.
He cried out in pain.
The music was stopped, and Jin was the first one to run over.

'Are you okay? Were are you hurt?' He said.
Hoseok lifted his hand, and nearly passed out when he saw it.

There was a big glass peice stuck in the palm of his hand, blood was running down slowly, and there was a bit of blood on the ground.

His hand hurt so much, but he kept back the tears about to spill from his eyes.
A medic came in, and patched up his hand.

It still hurt as hell though.

They decided this was enough for today, and went to their dorm to rest.
Hoseok felt ashamed, so he went into his room, and passed out on his bed.

Jin followed him, and saw that Hoseok was sleeping peacefully on his own bed.
Jin ran a hand through Hoseok's hair, and whispered

'Don't go so hard on your self ever again'

How is it?
Sorry that it's so jumbled up 😅.
Next time I'll go in order.

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