Yoongi - Shocked And Worse

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Today, The 7 boys were having to take pictures for their next album, and they were up since 4am getting ready for the photoshoot.

Yoongi had woken up unusually happy.
He had been very bubbly, and even Joked around with the other members, and they were very surprised at his actions.

'You okay, Yoongles?' Asked Jin.
'Of course I'm okay, why? Never seen me this happy?' He said.
'No..no...' Jin said waving it off.

Once it was 8am, they began to drive to the studio.
They finally got there after a whole 30 minutes of driving.
They all hopped out, and headed towards the studio.

It was very hot there, and they had to take off their jackets.
However, the clothes they had were... Very warm.

It went from the youngest to the oldest.
Everything went well, until it was Yoongi's turn.
Yoongi dressed into the clothes he was meant to wear, and sat down on the stool.
They told him what poses he had to show, and they gave him certain accessories.

Suddenly, Yoongi's stool leg snapped and he fell hard onto the ground, however, not without screaming in pain when it happened.
His arm landed on a burning camera  and it caused to send an extremely hot sensation to his arm.

He quickly pulled away his arm from it, but when he did, he by mistake put his hand on a malfunctioning wire.
He stopped, and Jerked violently when an electric wire shocked him.

He fell to the ground, twitching.
The others were screaming to get to Yoongi, but Medics already ran to him, and started tending to the poor, unresponsive Yoongi.
He was twitching, but less now.

They had to quickly put an oxygen mask on him, as he stopped breathing for a while.
They checked on Yoongi's arm and saw that there was a big, red burn there.

They poured some cool water onto Yoongi's arm.
Yoongi slowly started to come back to reality.
'W-What happened?' He said.
'Well... You burned yourself and shocked yourself..' Said a (Haha, pun) shocked Jin.

Hoseok rushed over to Yoongi, and Hugged him.
'THANK GOD your ok' He muttered.
'OK, But - I'm suffocating, Hobi' Choked Yoongi.
The others laughed.
Yoongi was twitching from time to time, and he was told he would be finishing his Photoshoot another day.

'I should have just stayed at home and slept today..' Grumbled Yoongi.
'There's our old Yoongi' Said Jin, Laughing.

The next one is going to be slightly different from the ones we had.
It consists of suicide.
If you do not think you can handle that kind of stuff, please don't read it.

However, please don't go hating on me because I write that kind of stuff.
I'm sorry...

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