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I HAVE always wanted to know what it feels like to have my skin color lighter than it was. This might sound crazy and you may think I'm overreacting but sometimes I hate being African-American or "Black" as some would say.

All my life I had been frowned upon based on the color of my skin and I'm sick of it. People think I won't be anything in life because I am black and poor. Growing up my mother and father never had much money but we still managed with what we had. I am an only child only because my mother couldn't have more kids after me, which is pretty sad because I want a little sibling to play with and teach new things to but God had other plans.

My father owns a bakery down in the french quarters where tourists come and see the sights of our beautiful town of New Orleans. As an only child, you might think I get to do what I want and get what I want, well you are totally mistaken. My parents are stricter than strict and that's the reason why I want a sibling because it will take all the attention off me and I can be free to do as I please but my wanting to be free actually got me in the situation I am in now as we speak.

Even though I never imagined my life to take the turn that it did, I'm actually glad that what happened to me actually happened. Let me tell you my story and give you more details on why I am the way I am today.


Hello people and welcome to my book Black Girl Magic. My reasons for creating this book are to simply bring in entertainment but also show the struggles of being an African American woman in the United States. I want to give you guys and girls an idea of what we really go through on a day-to-day basis.

This book is not to bash anyone or to traumatize anyone, I just want to give everyone a feel for us black people and what we sometimes go through.

If you want to continue reading then be my guest but if you bring negativity then I will report you and have you blocked from my page.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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