Chapter Fifty Two

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The restaurant was packed, Rafael had bribed the owner with a pair of highly sought after theater tickets to manage a table with such short notice. It hadn't hurt that he'd frequented the establishment for lunch often enough to know the owner.

"I can't believe Dodds is coming." Amanda, who was sitting between Katherine and Carisi at the round table, huffily pulled her drink to her lips, ignoring the eye roll from her own date.

"You have to admit Dodds has gotten easier to deal with over that last few years." Carisi's hand rested on her thigh as she returned the eye roll, but didn't move from his touch.

Katherine grinned at how settled into the relationship Amanda seemed. Usually she'd panicked and bailed by this point. It gave her hope that she was really trying this time. "They've been dating for over a year now." Her statement was in reference to Olivia and Dodds, but could have easily described the couple she was talking to as well.

"Not the point." Amanda grumbled.

"Liv's been through a lot, let her be happy." Fin scolded Amanda with his eyes, only altering his expression when she exhaled in defeat.

"What about you? You lookin' to settle down?" Amanda tilted her head, narrowing her focus on the one single person at their table.

Fin chuckled while shaking his head. "No. I've been settled... and I like being single."

"Uh huh..." Amanda smirked.

"Sorry we're late, traffic was terrible." Dodds pulled Liv's chair out for her, taking the seat next to Fin.

"Happy anniversary." Liv smiled toward both Rafael and Katherine.

Amanda's eyes widened, chewing the piece of bread she'd shoved in her mouth quickly. "Yeah, happy anniversary."

Fin closed his eyes, lowering his gaze to the table as he shook his head.

Liv's gaze, that had momentarily shifted to Amanda, returned to Katherine. "You're mother is very sweet to keep all the kids for the night."

Katherine's parents had offered to babysit MJ so they could go out for New Years Eve and their anniversary. The only problem was the people they'd celebrate with all at kids as well. Natalie had scoffed at the idea of them staying in, instead suggesting they keep all of them. MJ was thrilled at the idea of spending the evening with both Jesse and Noah, having overheard the conversation before either of the other two parents had been called. A hotel reservation had been made for Rafael and Katherine and her parents settled into their apartment for the evening. A travel crib was set up for Jesse, a sleeping bag for Noah, and Natalie had bought the store out of party supplies for an evening that would result in only her and MJ managing to make to midnight.

"My dad already had his nose stuck in a book when you got there didn't he?" Katherine chuckled.

"He did."

"My mom has activities all planned out for them. Movies, coloring books, balloons, streamers, those little popper things with confetti inside... She bought quieter party favors for midnight, though I think she plans to celebrate the new year at least once before she puts Jesse to bed so they can all participate."

"She does know Jesse will have no idea what is happening... She's barely one." Amanda singled for a refill on the bread when she realized she'd managed to eat the entire basket.

"She's aware," Katherine smirked, "I'm pretty sure it's for Noah."

"Oh that's smart," Liv nodded, "he will never make it to midnight, but he'd hate to be made to feel like they thought he couldn't. He thinks he's so much bigger than he actually is."

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