Chapter Sixteen

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Katherine was getting home late... too late for a school night... but she hadn't wanted to leave Rafael and she hadn't brought anything to his house for the next morning. Besides it was easier to get ready for work at her own home, she had just gotten used to sleeping next to him over the brief break.


The blond was fumbling with her keys at the main entrance to their building.

"Kate. Good timing." Amanda slurred, almost falling while stepping back so Katherine could open the door.

"You're drunk."

"Guilty." Amanda chuckled and leaned her head against the wall a bit more forcefully than she intended. She rubbed her scalp where it hit while making a pained faced.

"I mean you're really drunk. You never get this drunk even when you don't have to work in the morning."

Katherine got the door opened and started up the stairs, helping Amanda as she went.

"Tough case..." Amanda muttered.

"You want to talk about it?"

"Not really..."

Katherine gave her a curious look but didn't say anything else until they reached Amanda's door. "You're sure you don't want to talk... is it Nick?"

"APD's in town." Amanda grumbled, handing her keys to Katherine.

"Sam Reynolds and the good ole boys... enough said." Katherine huffed as she got Amanda inside.

"Yeah..." Amanda sighed.

"I'm here if you need to vent... you don't have to drink alone."

"Maybe next time."

"Night Mandy." Katherine smirked when she got closer to the door.

"I hate you." Amanda chuckled as she slipped out.

"Raf..." Katherine panted.

"Yes." He grunted against her neck, continuing to pump into her.

"Never mind..." Her voice hitched as he hit a particularly sensitive spot.

Rafael pulled himself up to look at her, his thumb grazing over her lips then cheek, prompting her to speak again. "I'll ask after."

"You're sure?" He questioned though his body hadn't relented the deep steady rhythm he had set.

"Yes." Katherine mewled softly, her hips fighting for a moment against his as her body arched into his chest. Rafael pressed his lips to hers and thrust harder, riding through her moment of euphoria, slowing but not stopping when she reached the other side.

He wrapped her in his arm, pulling her back against his chest, and slid into her again from their new spooning position, his hands exploring while he gave her a moment for her breathing to settle. Both hands cupped her breast when he pulled back, pinching her nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he thrust back into her. The soft throaty gasp that escaped her drove him deeper and he had to pause so things didn't end right then.

"Raf?" She panted, glancing back over her shoulder as his hands slipped to her stomach and hips.

"I just need a second." His voice was breathy and strained, shifting higher in pitch when Katherine moved her hips against his. He exhaled a chuckle and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, slowly building momentum again, one arm gripping tightly around her waste and the other dipping lower.

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