Chapter Twenty One

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Katherine hadn't seen Amanda in what felt like weeks. SVU had picked up a case that was keeping both her and Rafael busy. She had at least been able to curl up next to Rafael at night a few times... not as often as she would have like to, but occasionally was better than nothing.

"How'd your case go?" Katherine asked as she opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass for herself.

"None for me." Amanda said, motioning at the second glass Katherine was about to make for her. "Haven't you talked to Barba?"

"All I know is the DA was pushing hard on the case and now Rafael has a lot of loose ends, or something, to tie up... he was vague and sounded stressed. He's coming over later."

"This case... the victim who was actually raped lied about the details, we moved too quickly... and Barba... I think he and Liv are taking the brunt of the backlash." Amanda sighed.

"I thought the mayor pushed for this case?"

"His wife... after watching a segment on America's Worst Crimes, not that he'd take any responsibility if it had been him." Amanda grumbled.

"At least you should be more available now." Katherine smiled.

"Tired of Barba already?" Amanda teased.

"No, but it does kind of suck that when Rafael's busy you are too." Katherine sighed, lifting her glass of wine to take a sip. "Why aren't you drinking?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

Katherine almost choked, coughing and holding her hand to her chest until she had cleared the wine that had gone down the wrong pipe. "You're what?"


"Is it... whose is it?"

"Declan's... he's that guy you met during the blizzard." Amanda replied.

"Have you told him?"

"I'm not sure I'm going to..."

"Amanda... you should tell him. He should know he's going to have a kid..." Katherine tilted her head as she cut her eyes back up at Amanda.

"That's a Barba look." Amanda grumbled.

Katherine ignored Amanda's comment, she knew exactly who she had gotten the look from and found it quite effective in her classroom. "Wouldn't you want to know? I mean if you weren't the one who had to give brith..."

"I can't exactly contact him, he's working undercover... I don't even know what state he's in."

Katherine was quiet.

"Kate... don't tell Barba I'm pregnant. I haven't told anyone at work yet."

"That's your news to share, I won't say anything."

"And don't tell him it's Declan's when it eventually does come out... I mean if I haven't told Declan yet."

"Ok." Katherine nodded. Normally she'd hate the idea of keeping a secret from Rafael, but this wan't her secret and it's not like Rafael would be upset that she hadn't told him. Amanda should be allowed to confide in her friend without worrying who else would be told.

Rafael let himself into Katherines apartment a little less than an hour after Amanda had left. He tossed his jacket and tie on her couch before stripping the vest off as well.

"Do you have ibuprofen?" He asked while leaning down to greet her with a quick kiss.

"In the medicine cabinet."

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