Chapter 8

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After picking up the keys, the group went off to their own dorms. Valentino sighed as he took off his backpack, attempting to find the key. "I can't believe you did that, Milica." He started, shuffling around the bag. "I'm impressed. That was really sweet of you." Valentino said, smiling as he found the key. "I guess so. I mean, the girl was a bitch. You have to admit that." Milica said, the other unlocking the door. "Oh, yeah, totally. She was terrible." He said, chuckling to himself. "Definitely." Milica said with a sigh, almost sprinting into their dorm when his friend got the door open. "I wonder who'll we be rooming with." The blonde asked curiously, locking the door and plopping down on the couch. Milica shrugged, placing his bag down on the kitchen counter. "I have no idea. I just hope they're nice and keep at least a 5 foot distance away from me." He said, sitting down beside him and lazily resting his arm on the side of the couch. "Wow. One moment you're talking to a group of girls and then the next moment you want to be alone." Milica snickered, rolling his eyes. "I just want some privacy!" He excused Valentino giving him a look. "If privacy is avoiding everyone other than me then, you do you." He said, leaning against his arm. "Val. You're my only friend and after what happened everyone seems like an ass." He murmured, putting a hand through his already messy hair. "What about Angela and Lily?"

"One could kill me with words and one could kill me with a knife." He stated, Valentino giggling. "At least you have more than 1 friend now." Milica sighed, looking up at the ceiling and staring at the chandelier casually hanging above them. "I guess so. Still, I rather be alone with-"

"Hey! Is this dorm 203?" Milica groaned loudly, looking at the boy in front of them. "If it says it on the door, then that's the room. Oh my, are you dumb?" He questioned raising his hands up that were slightly shaking. "No, Markovik. God, your a brat." A familiar voice spat, causing Milica to stand up. "No. Don't tell me I'm rooming with you." Milica yelled, Sadiq pushing the curly haired boy out of the way and facing the other. "Well, suck it up because I am." Sadiq said with a friendly smile, making Milica's stomach turn. "I will never forgive you for what you've done. Stay the Hell away from me." He spat, a bitter expression on his face as he snatched his backpack and stormed into his room, slamming the door shut. "Shit." Valentino murmured, looking down the hall. That room that he shared with Milica was his only escape. And now, he was, in Milica's words, royally fucked. "You should start unpacking Chris, your room is down the hall to the right." Sadiq said with a nice voice, yet it sounded like Chris didn't have an option as well. "Alright, I'll see you guys later." Chris said with a smile, before disappearing. Valentino stared at him intensely as Sadiq's expression dropped and turned into something more intimidating. "Popescu." The boy started, strutting towards him before taking a seat. "Adnan." He murmured, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt anxiously. "It's good to see you again, you know?" Sadiq continued, moving closer to him. "Likewise." Sadiq sighed and lifted his chin up, forcing him to look directly into his eyes. "I'll make this quick. You know how Tamara, Aleks, me, and Drago once befriended you?" Valentino nodded the best to his abilities, his heart racing. "I was thinking, what if we forget the past, start over, and become friends once again?" Sadiq whispered, leaning in closely. "I-I, you're joking. You can't possibly be serious."

Sadiq smirked, brushing his lips against Valentino's cheek. "I'm serious. So," he said, leaning back. "What do you say? I know you miss Aleks and still, possibly like him. Don't you miss being with him? The way he made you feel? Things never change you know." He said, laughing darkly. "And if he doesn't work out." He paused, looking directly at him. "I'm always here." He finished, letting go of him and walking away. Valentino felt his cheek and looked down at his lap. Was this what he wanted? He sighed, frustrated. This could easily be one of their plans, but he felt so amazing. He felt loved. Valentino shook his head, trying to get out of his dazed state. "It's not real." He told himself, when in reality he couldn't get his mind off of it. Why was it so sudden? And why did it happen? There had to be a reason other then, "wanting to get back together". There's always a catch or a reason behind their cheap smiles and flirtatious behaviour.


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