Chapter 3

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"This concludes our last class for today! And since it's Friday I think it's a good idea to explain how our weekends work. So the devices that I collected from you guys last class are only allowed to be used for fun purposes on weekends. You can face chat,video time whatever it's called or play video games. You're expected to be in your dorms but feel free to vist each others dorm and hangout, if the oposite sex is in your room though no closing doors, understood? Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner will be served at the same time as usual, you're dismissed, have a good weekend. Oh and your slide shows are due wednesday!" She shouted as the class walked out the door chatting about hanging out and plans. But all Chris could do was sit at his desk, he wasn't leaving, he wasn't doing anything. Just sitting there with the sun from the blinds lighting up his emerald blue eyes. Lily was about to leave with Angela but then she saw Chris. "Hey Angel, I think I'll meet up with you later,kay?" She said quietly, "Ya,no problem Lily. I'll see you later.".She sighed and knelt down by his desk, "did someone steal your scooter?" She asked smirking. "I wish.." he said sighing loudly. "Well I mean your in a scooter gang, isn't that a sin to wish your scooter was stolen?" He chuckled at her comment. "Ivy..She..I think she's cheating on me." Chris stared blankly almost not wanting to admit the truth. "Ivy is a lot of things, but not a cheater. Trust me." Lily said standing up and about to leave but he grabbed her hand, "Please, stay.." He said looking up at her brushing her chestnut brown hair aside. "Chris..." Lily looked down at him, she never noticed how handsome he truly was till this moment. "Listen to me okay, I wasn't you to tell me what happened but I need you to let go of my hand ,ok?" Lily said giving him a small smile. "I don't think I can.."He said leaning forward. He looked at her rose tinted cheeks and smirked. He placed a he gently on her cheek and kissed the girl slowly. Lily's eyes widened. 'I can't... ' she thought. 'But I can't move.'. The black haired girl slowly kissed him back, her eyes fluttering shut. Only for a bright flash to ruin their moment.

"Wouldn't it be a SHAME if Ivy were to see this, You cheating on her with her best friend. Now that would be terrible now wouldn't it?" she said with a malicious grin. Chris looked at Tamara then at Lily, "I really care about Ivy, I wasn't cheating!" He said with bright red cheeks. "Okay, Chris I know you're lying to yourself. That was the definition of cheating." Tamara laughed enjoyed seeing her prey suffer. Lily gave her the most sincere look,"The kiss was a mistake Tamara! Chris was really upset and was vulnerable, I was there so it kinda just happened!" Tamara smacked her lips. "Hah, so this is all your fault Lily?" Lily lowered her eyebrows. "It takes 2 to tango that's all I'll say but I think you should really just give Chris the opportunity to explain this whole mess to Ivy before jumping the gun." Tamara blinked. "I knew you were stupid, but not this stupid. Let me tell you this." She said, smirking. "Ivy did hold hands with my boyfriend, but did she kiss him? Did she flirt with him? Did she cheat on you with her best friend?!" She snapped, giggling. "Tamara, stop! This is madness, delete the photo, now!" Chris yelled, scared at this point. "Is it madness? Is it?! I'll wreck your lives, I'll wreck it like everyone else's! You're relationships will be ruined! Ruined!" She giggled manically. "Tamara, no, think about this!" Lily shrieked, jumping up and running towards the girl only for her to slam the door and run off. "No..." Lily muttered, tears building up in her eyes. "Lily, I-" Lily clenched her fists and turned around to face the male. "It's not okay. This is your fault, you made this happen! You shouldn't have assumed she cheated!" She snapped, walking out the classroom with tears rolling down her cheeks. Chris stood there in shock."N-No... not Lily. I can't lose her too." He muttered. "Fucking Ivy..." he cursed, getting up to his feet and storming out the classroom.

-To Angela and The Boys-

"So one time me, Tamara, and Aleks once went out." Valentino said, Angela nodding. "Wait... who's Aleks." She questioned. "Ah... old friend." He said with an awkward smile. Milica gave him a look and coughed violently. "Yeah- ack- so your- ack- friend-ah excuse me- and not your crush that you were hella gay for!" Milica screeched, Lily walking in with a tear stained face. "Am I Interrupting something here?" Lily muttered in a weak voice, getting the trios attention. "No, but what happened?" Angela questioned, giving her a concerned look. "T-Tamara..!" She yelled, falling to her knees. Valentino sighed and gave the girl sympathetic eyes. "Did she blackmail you? Took photos of you? Leaked something?" He questioned. "Y-Yes!" She cried, her voice wavering. "I kissed Chris and now she's threatening me! She took pictures of me! I could lose Ivy because of a dumb mistake!" She sobbed, shaking. Valentino closed his eyes, exhaling. "Lily, whatever happens, she'll not leak it out until you do something to her to make her. She'll just use you for her own dirty deeds until you stop. You're just a game. Either get her phone and delete that or report it. But one thing, she paid a lot to be here. She pays a lot of money, so if Tamara leaves, this school is done. It won't be easy dealing with her." Valentino muttered, wincing as some memories came right back to him. "All I have to say is be strong, please." He mumbled, Milica holding the boy's hand for comfort. "Yeah, and even though I don't know who this Chris is, you two will get through it. Even if you hate him right now because he probably started this, it'll be alright." He said with a smile that made Lily grin. "Thanks, you two." She said, wiping her face.

Angela bit her lip and averted her gaze. "And if you need extra support to kick ass, I'm here." She mumbled, crossing her arms. Lily laughed before smiling. "And thanks to you, a lot, Angela." She said, the other two males giving an offended look. "I basically just shared my life story and this is what I get? Ugh..." Lily looked at the three, "Hey I brought my movie collection, they're all disney movies how bout we make it a movie marathon?" She asked. "Sounds like a plan!" Milica smiled. "Okie Dokie! I'm going to get the movies, Angela mind making the snacks?" Lily asked, "Hang on she's gonna eat them all! She needs supervision." Valentino said with a chuckle. "Yeah you better!" The four spent the rest of the night watching movies,laughing, and crying over said so movies. It was comforting to know that she could always depend on them.

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