Chapter 5

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As students came into the room the two settled down to their seats. Lily was just casually reading her book. When she looked up to see a boy with Raven black hair and chestnut eyes. This kid had major bed head problems that no brush could conquer. "Hey." He stated keeping a calm demeanor. "Um, why are you just staring at me?" she asked putting her book down. "I dunno. It's not very often a new face shows up so might as well enjoy it ya know?" He stated keeping eye contact. "I suppose so, I'm Lily it's nice to meet you..." She began only to realize she didn't know the mysterious boys name, "Milica." He finished her sentence sticking out his hand for her to shake to only move his hand away when she reached out for it. "You, my sir are an ass." she said furrowing her brow. "I mean ,you're not wrong." He snickered. "Seriously though. It's a pleasure to meet ya, Lily." He smirked. Before he turned around to the board.

There was something about him that she couldn't quite shake off. I mean who the hell starts an introduction like that. She sighed knowing that figuring out anyone with only one interaction was downright impossible. Still, she was intrigued by him, in a way only Chris was capable of doing. She shook her head so she could clear her mind. Focusing her sapphire blue eyes on the teacher. "Alrighty! I'm mr.Quin for those of you who are new! "I'm your Chem teacher." He stated excitedly writing his name on the bored underlining it 4 times. 'Damn this teacher is extra.' She thought to herself. "So! You may have noticed that you have a brewing stand and chemicals beside you. Today, we'll be examining how particles react to other particles. Please be careful with them. They might not be dangerous, but they stain fabric easily." He said with a smile. "Now, what you'll be doing is adding small bits to the vile before slowly adding more. Give me the stages on a graph, okay? Okay!" He said excitedly, clapping his hands. "You may begin." Mr. Quin said before going back to the board. "Oh, by the way, make a graph like this." He said, drawing out a graph that had lines connecting to pentagons with labels. The whole class nodded and began to begin their work, Milica and Lily looking at each other. "Nice, okay, we'll be working together." He said with a small smile, taking the dropper and handing it to Lily. "I've done this before so I'll write down the diagrams while you work with the chemicals." He declared, taking out a piece of paper. "Okay so put X, Y base together with CF3." He said, handing her the two vials. Lily nodded slowly and stuck the dropper in, pinching it and putting it up against the other vial. "Good... now... I need a textbook for this to get the diagram to look right. I'll be right back." Milica said, sitting up and walking to the back of the classroom. Lily sighed and stared into the glass vial, swirling it around mindlessly. "Hiya Dawson!" Ivy said from behind her, poking Lily in the back. She flinched, surprised, but didn't move the vial. "How are you and your new boyfriend doing?"

"He's not my boyfriend." She stated, her grasp on the glass vial tightening. "Oh sure, miss Lily Dawson, cutest girl in the class, doesn't know how to play a new kid?" She cooed, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. "Shut it, Ivy. I don't need this." Lily said with a stern voice, facing the dark haired girl. "Yeah, whatever. It's not like you're always all up on everyone," She said, leaning on the edge of her desk and pulling her by the hair. "Like a filthy. Little. Wh-" Lily growled, taking the vial from her desk. "Shut up you little, selfish brat!" She snapped, throwing the vial in a random direction. She heard Ivy yelp mixed with another voice. Oh. God. "Lily, what the Hell?! You got some of it on me!" Ivy screamed, gesturing at the small specks of blue on her dress. The whole class looked over at them and gasped. "The new girl hit the f_____!" A blonde boy yelled, pointing at the shaking mess that was Valentino. "Oh shit." She murmured. Milica rushed over with a textbook in hand, his eyes latched onto Lily. "What. The. Fuck?!" The boy growled, smacking her with the textbook. "What is going on here?!" Mr. Quin snapped. "Ms. Dawson and Mr. Markovik, out of this classroom! Now!" He snapped, the two starting to get up and leave. "Wait, sir! It was an accident." Valentino yelled, snapping out of his dazed state. "And so as that mess you made, Mr. Popescu. Seriously, how do you break a glass vial?!" He snapped, earning a sigh from the boy. "Out, now." Angela looked at the teacher and then to her friends. "Eh, worth a shot." She said, grabbing a fistfull of a brown-blonde's haired girl and slamming her head down onto the table. "Ow! What the flying fuck?!" The girl yelled, Angela shrugging in response. "Bitches get bitched back?"

"Ms. Sing... why in God's name? Both of you, out!" He snapped. "I did nothing!" The girl snapped. "Oh my God, not you! The other blonde!" he yelled, "Just, just leave please. Be out of my presence in 5..." the group exited the classroom quickly after the countdown started, all of them regretting their choices. "Great, thanks for giving me detention, Popescu." The blonde boy sneered, making the other growl. "Oh, so it's my fault that you're here? Don't be a bitch. You called me something that I can't fucking control! It's not my fault I'm like this. Oh, poor Drago with the chip on his cheek, get lost!" He snapped, storming off. "Val," Milica started, running after him. Drago rolled his eyes, sighing. "Now I'm with you two. Great." He said, sighing. "Hey, I'm not that bad." Angela said, Drago giving her a disgusted look. "Overweight, slammed my girlfriend against a desk. Seems bad to me." Angela grumbled, crossing her arms over her body. "Kinky." She stated, walking away. Lily rolled her eyes and walked with Angela, leaving the boy there.


"This school sucks." Valentino said, attempting to wash his tattered vest. "You could say that again." Milica sneered, leaning against the tile walls. Valentino sighed, looking down at the vest. "This is the only vest I have. I wonder what dad would think..." He winced, thinking about all the possibilities. "Hey..." Milica started, walking over to him and taking off his vest and putting it around him. "You could use mine for the rest of the day, we'll try to wash yours later, alright?" He said, smiling. "Wow, first time you're actually good at giving me reassurance." He said, taking his vest out of the water and placing it down on the sink. "Thanks." He said, putting the vest on. "But, what about you? You know damn well that you'll get in trouble." Milica groaned in annoyance, pulling him into a hug. "It's called being a good friend and not caring? I think you should try it sometime." He said, smirking. "Ah, hey! I'm a good friend. Who taught you english? Me. Who helped you with homework? Me! I did good things... like giving you actual advice." Milica laughed, smiling. "Shut up, you're making me look like shit." He said, Valentino snickering. "Well, ya kinda are." He said, pulling away from their embrace. "Whatever." He said with a sigh, looking down at him. "But really, I'll try to find a way to wash that vest. I know that home isn't really the best right now and if they found out then... yeah." Valentino huffed and looked at the discarded vest, shaking his head. "It's not like it happened on purpose. Lily was... having a shit day with her friend. It just happened to be that I was there." He said, taking the vest and rolling it up. "I still can't believe you smacked her with a book though." Val said in disbelief. "Listen, I didn't even know what I was doing until it happened. But I think she'll understand I mean. She seems pretty chill It'll be nothing." Milica said smiling. "Are we talking about the same person cause there's no way she's letting that go." Val said leaning against the wall beside him. "Why not?" He asked tilting his head. "I don't know.. I mean you did hit her with a 400 paged, hardcover book! That might have done it! Also we were kinda becoming friends after she kicked my locker." He muttered "Wait what? Are you sure you want to become friends with that? She seems psychotic. And don't even get me started about her friend. She slammed Tamara's head on a desk for no reason!" He yelled. Having his voice echo through the bathroom. "That's why I need to become friends with them!" Valentino giggled. "Come on as crazy as those two are. They seem like fun." He said with a shrug, smiling.

"I guess so." Milica murmured, looking off to the side. "Hey, this can be a chance for us to make some new friends. It's just been the two of us for awhile so why not try and get acquainted with other people." Valentino suggested, nudging at his arm. "If that's what you want to do, then be my guest. I still don't trust them though, who knows what those two are up to." Silence filled the room, the two just staring at each other. "Just try to be positive. I just want a year where nothing goes wrong, I have great friends, and maybe even get a... not possible. But still, I want that to happen." He said with a sad smile, Milica nodding. "Well, here's your chance." Milica said, patting his shoulder. "And maybe you can get a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Just promise me that we'll have a schedule on who hangs out with who because I'm not letting you just spend all your time on them. Call me selfish, but I need friends too." He said with a playful smirk, Valentino laughing.


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