Chapter 8 - Stay with me

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Levi´s P.o.v.

Annoyed, I looked up. The clouds still covered the sky. The weather was bad, but we wanted to use the break the rain was taking.

I packed up my stuff and went quickly to my horse. I held (y/n) my hand. Smiling, she took it and I pulled her up on the horse. She was disguised again, because we first of all wanted to go to Erwin to talk to him about the whole thing.

"Hold on tight, if you don´t want to fall down." I said slightly annoyed when she hesitated to hold on me.

Don´t act like a kid.

"Eh, yes."

She reached unsure with her arms around my waist but then she clutched firmly. Even through the clothes I could feel the wonderful feeling of her hands.

"Jäger are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Then let´s go."

We started to rid. It was a long way to go and the mud splashed in every direction every time the hooves hit the ground. It was so dirty. Everywhere I looked, was dirt. I just want a shower now.

Our ride has nearly come to the end when it began to drizzle. It was not more than that, but it was irritating.

When we finally arrived in the evening, I did not really want to get off the horse. The whole time, I could feel her hands on my body. It was so good that I didn´t want to let it end, but I couldn´t just sit like this, so I got down from the horse.

"Eren, you can go. I and (y/n) will go directly to Erwin."

"Yes, Sir!" Eren saluted and ran inside.

I looked over to (y/n). She looked again like she would be deep in thoughts.

"Oi, (y/n) are you coming?"

"Eh - yes."

Side by side we walked through the corridors in the direction of Erwin´s office. The short way over, none of us said a single word. It was a awkward silence. At the door we stopped and I knocked bored.

"Yes?" I heard Erwin politely ask from the inside.

I held (y/n) the door open and followed shortly after. Then I closed the door behind us and looked to Erwin.

"Ah, you´re back. Has anything happened? You´re a day to late back."

"Shitty weather." was all I said.

"Ah. Well then you´re back now at least. Is there something else?" He asked and looked over to (y/n).

Reader´s P.o.v.

"Yes... uh I...." I began.

When I just tried to explain, Levi walked over to me. He grabbed my wig and pulled it without hesitation from my head.

"Cadet (b/n) is a girl?" He did not seem as surprised as I had thought.

"You knew it before, right?" Levi asked.

Erwin nodded and had to grin.

"Mike has smelled you. He said you smell way too strong like a girl. Therefore, you would have either all day a girl at your side or you are one."

I instantly could feel my face go hot. I never thought that I was that easy to see through.

"And why the fuck didn´t you tell me?" Levi looked at him with a death glare.

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