"Haha, yeah. I do like that colour but I always say sunset orange. But now come to think of it, I think I actually prefer that colour." Peeta says.

"This is perfect." Peeta whispers.

"What is?" I ask.

"This moment. Spending the sunrise with the girl I love. I wish I could replay this moment forever." Peeta replies.

I giggle and say "I'm not that great." I mean it as a joke but regret it instantly seeing as Peeta hates it when I say stuff like that.

Peeta places his free hand on my waist and leans over me.

"You are like this incredibly gifted and genius person and you've got people around you telling you that you can't do shit. And that's gotta stop. You have to believe the truth. And the truth is I'm in love with you, Katniss. You're the most prettiest girl I know and if dare think anything else I don't know what I'll do." Peeta says.

I know this came our of nowhere but Peeta really does hate it.

"Sorry." I say "But that's what Delly said."

I can't stop replaying what Delly always says to me and what she commented on the picture. I know it's silly but it really hurt my feelings. She's always hated me. All because I've always been really close to Peeta.

"Oh don't listen to that stupid slut. She knows nothing. I'm suprised she can still walk around school with herself knowing that everyone knows how many STDs she probably walks around with." Peeta replies.

This makes me laugh. Peeta really does hate Delly, he's never liked her because when we were little she used to say stuff to me like that and Peeta never liked people saying bad things about me.

I snuggle up to Peeta again and watch how the sky begins to get lighter.

I think I must've fallen asleep because when I wake up Peeta is drawing something and the sun is shining quite bright.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask.

Peeta looks at me and smiles.

"About an hour." He replies.

"What are you drawing?" I ask.

Peeta smiles again.

"You." He says.

He turns the drawing pad around and there's a mostly finished drawing of me smiling.

"That's amazing Peeta!" I exclaim.

Peeta has always been amazing at art. He could've got a scholarship to any art college in the world if he wanted but he decided to persue a career in music. Well, the whole of Capitol know about The Tributes.

"Thankyou." He says and pecks my cheek.

"So what are we gonna do today then?" I ask Peeta.

He glances up from the drawing.

"I thought maybe have a picnic then go for a walk?" He says, as if asking for my approval.

"Sounds great." I reply.

The morning flies by pretty quick. Me and Peeta attempted to draw eachother (of course he was better than me) and then it came to lunch time and I was really hungry. I haven't had any breakfast.

I pick up a sandwich and bite into it.

"So good!" I shout as I swallow the bite.

Peeta laughs. Having a boyfriend who works in a bakery has its perks.

Peeta finishes his apple and says "Wow, I didn't realise I was this hungry."

He picks up a sandwich and starts eating that.

"Me either." I reply.

Lunch was AMAZING. Peeta is an amazing cook. I could be full up but if any of Peeta's food comes out on a plate I'd eat it all.

"You know," Peeta says after we finish eating "You're the only person I've brought here."

"Oh... really? How come? You used to come here a lot as a kid, right? A family house is just down the road?"I ask.

"Yeah. When I was little, this place was like a little safe haven, away from my mum. I used to come here at the weekends. My aunt would drive me and I would stay at her house for the weekend and I would come here in the day time. I always wanted to bring you here with me some time, but my aunt would never let me. None of the others know about this place, not even my brothers. But someone as special as you and someone so close to my heart as you deserves to come here." Peeta says.

"Peeta... this place, it's amazing. It's so relaxing. This is already one of my favourite places." I reply truthfully.

Peeta's mum beats him. She would beat him for like the stupidest things, like not putting his shoes back in line. One time, she tried to hurt me because she saw me and Peeta hug.

"It's pretty amazing." Peeta says.

I hug Peeta tightly and then we start to pack the picnic away.

We walk back to the camp and put our things back. All the tents are empty so I guess everyone has gone on their dates.

We decide to take a walk down to the lake, which usually takes around and hour and a half. Well,  that's what the rest of the group told us anyway, from when they went for a walk down there the day Peeta and I got together.

We walk past so many different plants, some of which I recognise from my father's plant journal. Trees three times the size of houses tower over us.

When we finally reach the lake, it looks beautiful.

We take a few moments to observe the amazing sight. The amazing blue crystal clear sky is reflected on the lake, blossom trees surround the water's edge.

We take a seat on the bench facing the lake.

Peeta pulls out his phone.

"Picture?" He asks.

I nod and smile.

He cuddles up to me and kisses me, but taking a picture at the same time.

The lake is in the background and the picture is amazing.

"I love it." I say.

"Me too." Peeta replies.

We sit and talk for a while until we look at the time and notice that it's 3:30.

We walk back to camp and we notice that no one is back.

"They're not back yet." I say.

"No, what is taking them so long?" He asks.

"I have no idea." I say.

Peeta and I crawl into the tent and lay down.

I start kissing him which starts to get more aggressive.

We start taking our clothes off but then we both stop.

Is this really what I want? I don't think I'm ready.

"I don't know if it's a good idea to do that right now." Peeta says.

"No... I want my first time to be more... romantic. I also don't think I'm ready yet, I don't want to rush into anything and regret it." I say.

Peeta nods and we put our clothes back on.

Today has been great.

My eyes start to become heavy as I drift off into a deep sleep. Only to be awoken when it's dinner.


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while :/

I tried to make this chapter a long one :P

More up soon

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