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I had to leave quickly after Aphmua and Kawaii Chan came back with my phone and car. I did have fun watching Once upon a Time with Katelyn though.
I just finished putting my gun on my belt which I earned not to long ago to use and get certified to use. I put my hair into a ponytail and begin my journey. All of the classes where clean and dark. The hallways empty, the usual calmness of the quiet replaces by a grim fog. I stayed on my toes confused why the feeling of dread crept on my shoulders. I quickly turned around expecting to see someone.
No-one was their.
I checked every room I was allowed to throughly. I got up to the higher levels. The higher colors the more the shadows grew.
"Check room 183. Suspicious movement. Over." My radio blared causing me to jump 10 feet.
That room is down the hallway.
"Understood, Over." I said but no sound of a reply.
I began to crept down the hallway my senses taking over.
"Y/n?!" Someone said.
I jumped pulling my gun out.
"Woah! Don't shoot me!" Izzy said.
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Sorry it's just that...their this...." I tried to explain struggling to fit into words.
"I feel it too." Said Izzy.
"Yeah. So what it is?" I asked.
"I think the person informing you is wrong. I see some suspicious activity outside my window." She began.
I followed her, hands gripping my gun.
I heard some rustling from the room.
"Get behind me." I whispered.
She scurried behind me. I'm just surprised that she even trusts me enough to protect her.
Before I opened the door I told her to press the silent alarm button on my radio.
I opened the door the scuttling stopped.
"Hands were I can see them! Security has been alerted!" I said in as strong of a voice that I could muster.
Someone shrouded in black looked toward me, a bag he had held glowing liquid in it.
They lifted their hood off, "Good job you passed!" Alex said.
I still held my gun.
"Now press the false alarm button now." He smiled.
The air was too tense. I took a step forward.
"Then put those a back." I said.
"What no theses are just props." He explained.
"Then why are the missing off the shelf?" I questioned, taking another step forward.
"It's just to make it look more real." He explained starting to walk slowly to the window.
"Put them back now." I shouted.
He put his hands in the air, "Alright, alright." He began putting the "fake" jars back.
He ran.
Before I knew it he was on the ground holding his now bleeding leg from my gun. I ran up to grab him, he pulled down a shelf and limped to the window.
The chemicals came crashing down on me. I pushed the shelf back up but he was gone.
"Freeze!" Someone shouted from behind.
I froze.
"Wait!" Izzy said.
"He escaped through the window, it was Alex." Izzy explained.
An eerie quiet fogged up the room.
I began to turn.
"Stay still y/n." Izzy started.
I noticed all the chemicals on me.
"It's okay it not hurting me." I began standing up.
"It isn't?" Izzy said surprise.
"No, should it?" I asked confused.
"Code 8399." She whispered to one of the guards.
The guard act surprised but quickly ran down the hallway.
"Uhhh what's going on? And can I wipe this stuff off me?" I asked.
"No, don't wipe it off we need proof." She began and grabbed her notepad and started to write things down.
"What do you mean! What going on?" I asked nervously.
"Y/n I think you are the one we have been looking for."
(639) words. Please vote share and library!😊

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