Five More Minutes

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"Y/n Chan sure y/n Chan  going to be okay y/n Chan?" Kawaii Chan asked me as she was mixing up a batch of cookies.
"What?!" I jumped realizing that I almost fell asleep into the cake mix I was making.
"Kawaii Chan noticed that y/n Chan almost fell asleep again." She sympathized.
"Huh ya...." I nodded adding the last of ingredient in the bowl.
It's been a couple of weeks now. I've only had a few days off of my night job and I can barely stay awake.
Aphmua even made it so I was in kitchen since I almost feel asleep in front of a costumer. I started pouring the last of the cake mix into the pan when suddenly time stopped. I felt extremely light headed and the edge of my vision darkened.
"Y/n Chan?" I hear Kawaii Chan but it sounded like it was from a far distance. I don't remember anything else.
Kawaii Chan POV:
Y/b crashed to the ground.(For my sake she thinks in first person and talks in third). I ran over trying to wake her up.
"Aphmua Chan! Y/n Chan is in trouble!" I yelled.
I heard Aphmua run over.
"What wrong...Oh no!" She rushed over to my side.
"What should Kawaii Chan and Aphmua Chan do?" I asked.
"I don't think it's anything serious so we shouldn't have to call the ambulance."  She answered.
"Should we bring y/n Chan to Aphmua Chan and Kawaii Chan house?" I asked.
"We need to stay here and Katelyn away at theatre class." Aphmua explained.
"What about Garroth Kun? Kawaii Chan is sure they won't mine." I suggest.
"I hate to put her in a house full of strangers but she can't stay here." Aphmua agreed.
"Kawaii Chan will call Garroth kun." I said grabbing my phone.
——————-(1 phone call later)————-
Garroth POV
I walked inside the cafe. I didn't know that they worked here. I'm just really surprised that out of all the people they wanted me to take care of... what's her name? Y/n? I'm not sure. I stepped in and my arm was immediately grabbed by Kawaii Chan.
"Garroth Kun she's in the kitchen." Kawaii Chan explained.
I walk into the kitchen where she was positioned in a chair. Her h/c and her f/c maid outfit made my heart skip a beat. Then I saw and Aphmua in her's and my heart pounded out of my chest.
"Why didn't you guys tell me you worked here because let me say..." I began.
"Sush! Tell a soul and I'll get the chancla!" Aphmua threatened.
"Fine. But why didn't you guys just take her home?" I asked.
"One because we didn't want her to be alone and two...we don't know where she lives." Aphmua explained.
"What about Katelyn?" I ask.
"Katelyn Chan is at theater." Kawaii chan said.
"Okay hopefully she will wake up soon." I said picking her up bridal style.
Kawaii Chan looked at me carrying the girl her eyes lit up then back down.
"I'll call once she wakes up." I said walking out keeping my eyes on Kawaii Chan.
I placed her in my car and drove home.
Short chapter but the next one going to be really long so yeah. Please vote and share!❤️

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