Chapter 9- Will

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Nico looked bothered as we walked back to the castle with the group of three. I slightly nudged him to get his attention, giving him a questioning look.

"I think I know how to destroy the horcrux," Death boy whispered so the trio could not hear us.

"How?" I questioned him.

"If I am able to manipulate the shadows in the object then I may be able to tear it apart," Nico said, waiting for my inevitable lecture.

"Neeks," I was a mixture of annoyed and mad, "what did I tell you about using your Underwordly magic?"

"Not to do it," the small boy grumbled.

"And why should you not do it?" I gave him an apprehensive look.

"Because I could die-" he groaned before quickly adding "-but I amy not. And this may be the only way to do this. Please Will."

The other people were forgotten when Nico gave me that baby seal look Percy taught him. I just couldn't resist that face and gave my reluctant approval, causing Neeks to look happy and kiss my cheek. This earned a blush from me at him.

We parted ways from the Gryffindors and went to the seventh floor corridor. Nico paced in front of the wall three times, and a door appeared. We walked through only to see a room full of junk and antiques.

Neeks started walking through, every once in a while pausing to close his eyes and sense where the item in question was. I fallowed him slowly, an ambrosia square in hand as we walked.

He suddenly stopped, turning to a small crown with a big blue jewel in the middle. It was absolutely stunning.

"This is it," Nico said looking at me. "It seems to be a diadem of sorts, obviously from a earlier time. I haven't seen something like this, well, ever."

"It's gorgous," I said, "but not as beautiful as you." I looked at Nico as I said the last bit, relishing in the red blush on his cheeks.

"Let's just destroy it," he mumbled, still flustered.

Neeks took a deep breath before getting into a stance, shadows crawling up the silver of the small crown. He twisted his fingers and hand in an intricate way, willing the shadows into each crevice of the small area before slowly moving his hands apart.

The shadows started splitting and taking the diadem with them. The precious metal was ripped apart by his darkness, a sweat breaking out on Nico's brow as he worked. Eventually it was only a few pieces of stubborn metal that seemed empty, void of the magic that was once there.

*next day*

This morning after Herbology, which Nico was great at thanks to Persephone, I asked my head of house to be moved out of Divination. I explained our...past...with prophecies and she agreed to allow me to take Care of Magical Creatures instead.

Potions was interesting to say the least. There were plenty of explosions on my part, causing Nico to shake his head mumbling in Italian. When I would ask him why he was so good at the subject he would say he loves to cook.

After class he talked to Snape, asking for a change of classes and I waited patiently at the door. I was jittery having not done anything physical all day other than walk. Just because I am a doctor dose not mean that I don't still have the demigod ADHD.

We headed to Ancient Runes with a bit of happiness, I figured it would be nearly impossible to not pass the class. My entire life is based off of an ancient civilization. I voiced my thoughts to Nico and he hummed in agreement.

"Yeah," he said with a laugh, "if our dyslexia makes us fail everything else at least we have this."

Professor Bathsheda seemed nice enough, and as we sat down she gave us a kind smile. "Settle down kids, settle down. First of all, I would like to welcome the new transfers all the way from America. I hope you are finding this school enjoyable. Now, I will hand out a quiz to see what you remember from last year. But don't worry, it's not for a grade. Still try on them, if you already know things I would not wish to repeat them. And if I don't need to teach some things we can finish early and have some fun."

She handed out pieces of paper with questions on other mythologies. Ever since Annabeth told us Norse gods were real I brushed up on all of the mythologies I could so as to not be surprised.

1) Who are the twelve Olympians?
Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus.

2) Name three Greek heroes.
Perseus, Jason, and Heracles

3) What are the Roman forms of the twelve Olympians?
Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Vulcan, Vesta, Mercury and Ceres

4)Which Norse God invulnerable to all else was killed by mistletoe?

5) What kind of tree is sacred to Apollo?

6)In Norse mythology, Odin traded an eye for what?

7)Who slew the nine headed hydra

8)What was the name of the Norse Goddess of truth?

9)The diet of what mythical monster periodically included seven youths and seven maidens?

10)According to classical mythology, who was the first mortal woman?

And more like that. All and all, it was pretty easy. Nico and I turned it in after I used my wand to translate it to English and the teacher looked impressed.

"Good job Mr. Di Angelo and Mr. Solace, you are free to roam about the castle." Hermione huffed form where she sat, looking at the two of us suspiciously. I left the room and started walking to Defense with Nico. Once we were close enough to the class, Neeks pulled out a sketchbook and a pencil, telling me to sit still.

After some time he was finished with his scary-realistic drawing of me and the previous class filtered out of DADA. We walked into the classroom, moving to sit in the back, when the toad lady stopped us.

Hermione POV

When they turned those papers in they were written in a complete different language. Then, with a tap of their wand, it was in English. Who were these people?

How did they even finish the test so fast? It was 30 questions about more unknown mythology's. Even I had a hard time on it.

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