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It was late in the evening when Felix and Jisung came rushing into the room. Speaking at the same time, it was truly difficult to understand what either of them were trying to say. So I simply waited until they were done before I tilted my head. "Could you repeat that please hyungs-"

"Woojin and Chan just left," Jisung supplies. His hair is all over the place as he moves up and down seemingly restlessly. "On a date. They confirmed it a second ago in the living room." Looking over at Felix in pure horror, he nudges the other in the chest. 

A small oomph escapes him before he nods and looks at me. "Seungmin and Hyungjin told us about their relationship," Felix says softly as if he's expecting some sort of reaction out of me. One I clearly don't give them as their faces form into a sense of relief. Although, I don't question it like I should. Instead, I shift on the bed until I'm facing the two of them and I nod. 

"So what's brought you two hyungs here?" I ask them when they don't catch the sign I've just thrown at them. Then again, I doubt I would have had it been thrown at me. Nevertheless, I look at them, anticipating their response. 

"Oh, right. So because four of the members are going on dates, we figured the five of us could go and do something," Jisung says softly with a smile. "An outing would be good for us."

"Oh, what are we going to do?" I query, casting a side way glance toward the closet. Would it require getting all dressed up? Or would it be a sort of casual dress situation? Though before they have a chance to answer, Changbin and Minho walk in.

"We're going to see a movie."

"We always do that, but we figured with the others gone we could see that movie we wanted to see," Changbin quips. "So let's get done and go on ahead."


It was absolutely horrible. I don't much remember the name of the movie but that was really the least of my concerns as we exit the cinema. The others are talking about it as they walk on ahead and then Jisung says he has to stop at the bathroom so we all decide to go with the plan to go and get something to eat after.

Absolutely horrible, I think as I stand outside the bathroom area waiting for them. I don't know who decided that seeing a horror movie in a cinema would be okay but it was far beyond that. 


Nearly jumping out of my skin as a hand touches my shoulder, I turn only to find Felix looking at me with a frown. "Jeongin, are you okay?" he asks me and really I'm not but they don't need to know that. So I nod.

"We're thought we'd get something to go and just eat at home," Minho says to me and again, I'm nodding. It's the easiest and most simple response I'm able to give. 

We get burgers and fries from one of the fast food places and then we're making our way back to the dorm. The streets are quiet and I don't know who decided but it was a horrible plan to walk all the way back in the dark. They're a distraction though, the others. They keep the jokes flowing and not a moment of silence is reached unless they're taking a bite of their burgers. 

And soon we're at the dorm in no time.

"Where were you guys?" Chan demands as we walk in. He's looking at all of us and though you can see he's trying to be calm, he's far from it. "Where have you been?"

We stay silent for a while before Changbin steps forward. "We went to see a movie. You guys all went out so we figured we would."


"Was okay with the idea," Jisung intercedes quickly. He looks at Chan who remains glaring but doesn't say anything and I think it's him dismissing us as the others disperse to their rooms. I'm left standing there as Chan makes his way as well.

"Expected more from you," he mumbles and I don't realize that he's talking to me until he's gone.

Not knowing what else to do, I sit down on the couch. The television is playing one of the Lethal Weapon movies so I leave it on as I pull my legs to my chest and stare silently.

It's near the end of the second one (because it's a marathon apparently) that the sound of footsteps reach my ears and when I look up, Chan is taking a seat next to me. I look away and return my focus to the movie.

"I'm sorry," he says after a while, "Did you guys have fun?"

I wait and then shrug. "They did."

"And you?"

I shrug. Because honestly, I think they just took me along. It felt like I was intruding on a double date of some sort. But I wasn't going to tell Chan that so I don't.

"What did you go and see?"

"Some horror," I say and then Chan is wrapping his arms around me and I think it's because my voice cracked and I don't even realize that I'm shaking until Chan is trying to calm me down.


"I don't want to sleep," I admit, on the verge of tears.

"But you will," he tells me. "And you'll be safe."

"How can you be so sure?" I sniff.

He pauses like he doesn't want to answer but then his grip tightens. "Because I've got you."

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