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Waking up alone had always been an unpleasant feeling growing up. As I got older, I was forced to deal with it more and more, but then I started training. I became part of a group. I found people and there was never a moment where I found myself waking up alone. So I don't think I ever really voiced it out to the hyungs; there was no need.

Which I was currently regretting.

Instead of panicking along with my heartbeat, I choose to scan the room that I am in. My eyes stop by the drip that's in my arm before I turn my attention to the food set aside on a little tray beside me. I must have forgotten to eat. Not good for someone who is already in a hospital.

Sliding that thought aside, I slip until the covers reach my chin. "It's okay, Jeongin. You've got this," I mumble not so encouragingly to myself in a futile attempt to rid of this sinking feeling in my chest.

I don't know how I got here.

I realize it as I'm staring at the ceiling and counting backwards in my head. I don't remember how I got to the hospital or why-

I fainted.

I was practicing. And I fainted. Right in front of them. Right in front of Chan.

"Jeongin, no," I whisper to myself as I cover my face because how could I let that happen? How could I let him see me faint? How could I-

There's a squeak as the room door opens and I peak up to find a nurse entering with another tray. She makes it to the one side of my bed and starts swapping the trays, a hum in her voice until her eyes meet mine. And they turn wide.

She doesn't even say anything. All she does is back away before running out the still open door. I'm still staring when she returns, a doctor and another nurse trailing behind her. Her voice is soft and pitched with urgency as she points to me. "He's awake, he's awake. I told you."

I frown. Was I not supposed to be awake?

The nurse is struggling to hold herself still as she watches the doctor make his way over. A hand is placed on her shoulder by the other nurse in what could only be a gesture of comfort and she leans into the touch though not once do her eyes leave me.

"Jeongin." The doctor is hovering above me, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiles. "Good morning."

I only manage a nod, not quite trusting my voice at the moment. 

The doctor looks over and offers a small smile. Whether it's meant to be comforting or not is up for debate. "It's alright. No need to look so stressed, sir. I just need to check whether everything is up to par."

I blink. Why wouldn't they be?

"How long was I out?" I dare to ask.  The doctor stops and then he looks back to me, his smile faltering. He shares a look with one of the nurses and then turns until his back is facing me. Unsatisfied, I repeat my question. Why couldn't he just tell me?

"Sir, it's just been one or two days-"

"Days?" I can feel my eyes bulge as I stare in disbelief. I've been unconscious for more than just a couple of hours? How was that possible? Was it possible? Carefully, I dare to lift my head until I'm looking at the doctor again. He frowns and I offer a small, timid smile as I ask, "And... If I may ask, has the others-"


"Stopped by? Do they know I'm awake? Have you-"


I stop. "Yes?"

"You have not had any visitors while you were out. Not since the first day when you were brought in." He pauses and then sighs. "And I'm sorry but we have been told not to contact any of them. We have, however, contacted your manager."




I look away as I mumble a soft thank you. The clenching of my heart in my chest ten times worse than when I'd passed out.


I don't even have an excuse.

I'm sorry. College is my only excuse I suppose. 

But here you are. Hope you enjoy!

[Update: for some reason it showed itself as a draft even though y'all commented... Idk. So I had to restore this. Apologies :( ]

Where we are [JeongChan FF] ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt