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When I wake up, he's gone. As per our usual routine, I suppose. And as per my usual routine, I'm filled with a sense of disappointment. There's not much time to dwell on that though as I'm suddenly tackled seconds before I'm fully standing and I'm awfully glad I hadn't strayed far from the bed as the person and myself fall onto it.

Taking a peak, I smile slightly when I catch the familiar head of hair belonging to Seungmin who grins right back. "Morning, Innie-ah!"

"Morning hyung," I greet softly, stifling a yawn. We don't move from our positions just yet, seeming to revel in the last few moments known to us as rest before Chan suddenly turned into Leader Chan and came in to wake us up. The moment that happened, we'd be going straight into practice mode.

What fun.

"Jeongin," Seungmin speaks lowly into my ear. There's a shiver up my spine and I hum as I begin to push him away whilst lifting my hands to rub at my eyes. He doesn't reply right away but when he does, I freeze.

"Do you like... Like anyone?"

Before I can respond, he releases a sigh and pulls me closer. I don't fight him like I normally would.

Instead, I wrap my arms around him and shut my eyes, reveling in the moment at hand. It was rare, mind you, that we ever got days like this. Where, despite waking up early, we still had time to lay before breakfast.

It was so rare that it was treasured when it came around every once in a blue moon.

However, as rare as it was, it also didn't exactly last very long. There's a knock on the room door before it opens revealing Chan's frowning face. As his eyes settle on the Seungmin and myself after scanning the room, he releases an audible sigh that has me driving myself to the edge. Shutting his eyes, he shook his head once before they fluttered open and he flashed us a smile. "I've been calling for you two. If you want breakfast, you better hurry before they finish it all."

I sit up so quickly that Seungmin loses his grip me and I can't help the smile that slips across my face. "We're having breakfast? There's time?" My tone gives away my excitement but right now, I couldn't care less.

Chan releases a chuckle before he smiles and gives one firm nod before he continues, "Yes. I thought everyone deserved to eat now instead of waiting until we get to the practice rooms as usual."

Finally catching onto the conversation, Seungmin leans forward and rests his head on my shoulder as he looks at our leader, a curious glance toward him as he asks, "What did you make?"

He must have expected this because he nods, more to himself than anyone else really, and responds without missing a beat. "Pancakes."

It's safe to say that that was the quickest we'd gotten out of bed in a long time if you ignore the fact that we had been practically dragging ourselves out where sure enough, most of the members awaited.


Before I can process, a pair of arms are thrown around me and I'm pulled into a chest. The voice had been enough to give him away. Peaking up, I offer Hyunjin a small smile. "Morning, hyung."

"Morning, Innie," he greets right back. "Eat well, okay?"

I tilt my head as he releases his hold of me and he starts to make his way out of the kitchen. Before he's completely out though, I stop him as I call out, waiting for him to face me before I even think of addressing me.

He smiles. I frown.

"What about you, hyung?" I ask like it's an obvious question he should have expected- which it is, but that's beside the point and he surprises me when he chuckles.

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