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~About A Week Later~
So far, I've given Icyhot a chocolate box, a keychain, a stuffed bear, a card with another hint, and I bought him a book I heard him saying that he wanted. Today I'm going to put the book in his locker. I'm thinking that this should be the last thing before I confess..
Again, after class, I rushed to the locker room. But today it was later than usual. This was pretty risky because Half-and-Half always comes in at this time. I attempted unlocking his lock, but I put in the wrong code. I pulled it down and it didn't unlock. Fuck.
Little did Katsuki know, that Shoto was walking toward the locker room right now.
I tried again and eventually got it, but I heard footsteps and it scared me half to death. Click. I flung his locker open and threw the book in, slamming it shut and not locking the lock back since I could hear someone coming closer. I didn't want to walk out because then they would see me, so I ran to the opposite side panel of lockers from Icyhot's and covered my mouth, too scared to make a sound.
((Shoto's POV)) I heard someone fiddling with my locker as I came closer to the room. I knew it was mine because my lock has a particular click noise it makes when you open it, and I heard it. I heard it slam shut and KNEW that it had to be the 'secret admirer'.
Stepping into the locker room and not seeing anyone, I said "...Hello?" I didn't get a response and shrugged, walking to my locker and easily opening it since it wasn't locked back.
The sight of a book I've been wanting to read ever since it came out surprised me. A smile grew across my face as I picked it up and examined the cover. "Is anyone in here?" I asked and closed my locker back. "Hellloooo? I know someone just put this book in my locker."
((Katsuki's POV)) Please don't hear me, please don't see me, please don't even know that I'm here.. I kept my mouth covered in case my breathing was audible and I leaned my head gently on the lockers, waiting for Icyhot to leave. This can't be good. If I leave right now, he'll know that it's me.
((Shoto's POV)) "Hm. Nobody? Okay. I'll go." I sighed and left. I could really sense someone in there, but they must not have had the gut to show themselves. Between Aoyama Kirishima and Blasty, Aoyama or Kirishima would've just confessed right there.. but I know how Blasty is... could it be..? It... it can't... God, I need to focus.
Back in the common room, Blasty wasn't there. He's always in here before me. Right after I sat down, he walked in. It's him. It's definitely him. I can't believe it.. maybe it's not, I dunno. Whatever. His face was extremely red and he had a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek.
"What's wrong, Blasty?" I reached my hand out and wiped it off, then resting that same hand on his shoulder. "Nothing.." It can't be nothing. I don't believe him. "Really?" "Yeah." I reached my arms out for a hug since he looked stressed. I know how much of a hugger he really is behind all of that tough-guy attitude.
((Katsuki's POV)) I sighed and went into his arms, leaning on him and not bothering to hold myself up. Being embarrassed is the worst.. but he's so comforting. I love it. I noted that he pulled out the book and began reading it.. He's so cute like this. Acting like a little kid enjoying their gift on Christmas morning.. it's just.. happy. He looks peaceful.
((Nobody's POV)) Around 7:00 P.M, Katsuki let go of Shoto and stood up and sighed, "I'm going now... goodnight." 'Goodnight? He never says that,' Shoto thought. He smiled and waved in Bakugou's direction and said goodnight back, watching him head to the elevator.
       The blonde got up to his dorm several minutes later. ((Katsuki's POV)) I... I cant stand it.. I tried giving the gifts, but... I just want him to know already! Fuck it! I'm telling him. Before I could think anymore, I went to that box of valentines decorations that still had a living rose in a glass vase with a pink ribbon around it, picking it up, and writing another note:
       I'm sure you've wondered who I am. Well, you're gonna know soon. Please meet me on the roof at dawn tomorrow. Thank you, see ya then.
         ~A Person
I sighed and folded it up and tied the ribbon around it, then rushing off to Shoto's locker. I decided to put it in early so he can prepare himself to get up as early as dawn and meet me there on time. It's 10:00.. we should be in our dorms, but that's okay, I can be quiet.
        In the locker room, I ever so quietly opened his locker and put the vase and note in, then closing it as slowly as I could and walking back to my dorm like nothing happened... this should be interesting..

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