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                           ~The Next Day~
"H..haa.. m-mh.." Hm? Oh. What a dream I just had.. I looked down at my hand rested.. on my crotch..? That explains the dre- ((Nobody's POV)) Katsuki's face reddened slowly but surely as he recalled most of the dream. 'Hm... was it.. oh right.. I-Icyhot.. jeez, this whole 'crush' shit is getting to my head.' He pulled his hand away and sat up, gathering his train of thought and getting ready for the day. Bakugou opened his dorm door just to see Todoroki.
             Bakugou flinched. The dual-haired male chuckled and pat his head, mainly chuckling at his pinkish face. "You're late." He grunted and exited his dorm, walking around Shoto. "Damnit." He started walking to the elevator, but was caught off guard by Todoroki's cold hand. "Wait. I was going to tell you that you're going to need your swimsuit today."
            ((Katsuki's POV)) My what? We haven't needed those since earlier in the year!! It's been too long since we've done the aquatic training. "What are we doing with the swimsuits?" "Nezu-Sensei said that we can use the pool freely today." I'm surprised. He never lets us use it anyway, but I rushed to my dorm and got my swimsuit and stuffed it into my bag, then went to the locker room and began changing. Icyhot walked in right after me and was directly behind me. Shit, my face, my face..
         ((Todoroki's POV)) I began changing into my swimwear without disturbances, but I had a weird feeling someone was watching me. Again. I slowly turned around just to meet eyes with Blasty again. Why is he staring like this? Somethings up. His face.. it's so red.. He's never like that. Is it because we're changing? Is it because I'm not wearing a shirt? Is it because he's not wearing a shirt? I.. I think it's.. maybe all three.
           I broke the eye contact and finished changing. The moment I turned around to leave, Katsuki was staring. But staring down. "See somethin'?" I asked with a blank face. He flinched again, just now realizing that I had caught him. "N-NO! W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" He suddenly got really whiney and stomped his foot, his pink face turning to a red.
          "I'm talking about the fact that you're looking down. There's nothing special about my swimsuit. Or that." Katsuki grunted and kicked my ankle, storming off to the pool, leaving me in here alone. Hell, is it that obvious? I glanced down at myself and then shrugged, shutting my locker and following Blasty.
          ((Nobody's POV)) At the pool, only a few students were in it, others being on the bench or simply talking elsewhere. Shoto watched Bakugou approach the edge, but he didn't go in. He looked like he was thinking.
         ((Bakugou's POV)) I feel so weird.. I've had all these weird thoughts and moments about Icyhot. I don't want him to necessarily know my feelings yet.. but.. I know that if he knows I won't have so much pressure. And I won't feel like such a creep anymore..
         ((Shoto's POV)) I pressed my hand on the shorter boy's hair. "Gonna get in?" He turned his head and looked at me with a surprisingly nervous expression and just stared in silence. "No?" I asked. Blasty looked back at the water and reached his hand back like he was about to.. grab my hand? but he quickly jerked back and jumped in. What was that for..?
        ((Katsuki's POV)) Feeling the cool water splash over me felt like a wave of relief. But apart from the calming water, my mind was racing. Why did my hand just reach out like that?! It's like we're magnets or something! I can't stay away from him!! This is so stressful.. I can't hold it anymore, I need to say something..

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