Ways To Hint

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      ~The Next Day, Saturday~ ((Katsuki's POV))After class, I stayed in my dorm instead of going to hang out with everyone. I want to tell him how I feel so badly... And now that I know we both like guys, it urges me to do something more. Why not? Even if he doesn't feel the same, at least he'll know. I lay back and stare at the ceiling with my arms out beside me.
         I could just say it.. but that feels too direct.. I could text it to him, but that doesn't feel genuine enough.. I could give him a note.. no.. wait, note? That gives me an idea. Secret admirer notes. But that feels too basic! I like the idea of hints.. hints! I sat up and kept thinking. It felt like my plan was falling perfectly into place.
          I got a sudden flashback to when we were at the lockers and I saw Icyhot sliding my keychain back into my locker. That's it! I can put things in his locker.. perfect. A smile crept onto my face as I started looking around my dorm for some sort of a gift. I looked under my bed and found an old box of decorations and started to dig through it. Before I could find anything good, I turned around and saw a box of chocolates. Perfect. This'll be a good start..
         ((Shoto's POV, After School)) I made my way to the locker room like usual. Blasty made his way out while I went in simultaneously. His face was really pink. Why? I dunno. When I opened my locker, along with my books and other things was a box of chocolates. It was thin and small. Small enough to where you could probably fit it through the slot.
        I love chocolate. Whoever put this in my locker is a heartthrob. Nobody brings me gifts. Is it for a special occasion? Not sure. I grabbed the chocolates and put them to the side to put my books away. As I walked out, I grabbed them and instantly popped one into my mouth, making my way to the common room. I sat down on the couch next to Blasty. What the hell is up with his blushing lately? ..he's doing it again.
       ((Katsuki's POV)) He got the box. He seems pretty clueless that it was from me though.. or I think. I looked over at him and  we made a few seconds of eye contact, but I glanced at his mouth and saw a smudge of chocolate across his lip and on the corner of his mouth.. "Tch.. you've got something on your face.."
            Before I could think at all, my hand reached out and rested on his cheek, and my thumb gently brushing across his lip and the corners of his mouth. I pulled my hand back and I could feel my face getting darker by the second. Shit! Huh..? He didn't seem to mind at all. "Thank you," he said in a calm tone. His cheeks were getting a bit pink. Cute.
      "Whatever." I looked forward again, but I couldn't help but to glance at him every few seconds. It's like my eyes are drawn to his like a magnet. ((Shoto's POV)) I tried looking at the television in front of us, but my eyes kept scanning over in his direction.. when we made eye contact, his eye color..
           I've never seen it so close.. it's a bright red with a crimson outline.. the shine in his eyes is beautiful.. god, it's like our eyes are drawn to each other's like a magnet.

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