Yao-Momo; Hint #2 and #3

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((Yaoyorozu's POV)) I was sitting on a stool beside the other girls when I looked over at Todoroki. God he's so hot..! I could just kiss him any minute!~ But... Katsuki-san.. is.. touching his lips? What?.. oh.. I saw him wipe the chocolate from his mouth.
But I'm pissed that someone else gave him chocolates. That's a romantic thing, right?.. I should give him chocolates too!~ Then I can kiss the chocolate off of him! Whoever gave him those should prepare themselves. Everyone knows Shoto belongs to me-
Oh. Right. Just then, I remembered how Bakugou came to us girls and we told him that he liked Shoto... Tch.. My Todoroki isn't gay! He likes me. ((Shoto's POV)) Jeez, Momo scares me. I felt someone staring at me, so I scanned my eyes across the room and saw her staring right at me and Katsuki. Huh? She just smiled at me.. that smile looks.. sinister.
I lowered my eyebrows and shrugged at her, then faced Blasty again. She makes me mad. She flirts with me and things she's being cute or whatever she calls it. She's probably the creepiest student in 1-A. Yes. Creepier than Mineta. He's a pervert, but he's not a creepy fan girl. ((Katsuki's POV)) I looked at tits-for-brains at the same time as Icyhot. She was giving us some weird-ass looks. Whatever.
~the next day/ after class~ Today, I'm bringing something else to Icyhot's locker. It's a keychain. A rainbow keychain. This might be an obvious hint to who gave it to him, but he's also gay, so he shouldn't know. But I'm the only one who knows about his sexuality.. whatever. I shouldn't worry too much.
       I slid the keychain that looks quite like mine into his locker, taking a deep breath afterward and walking to the common room like usual. Icyhot was already in the common room, and when I sat down, he went to the locker room. A few minutes later, he came back with the keychain in hand. He was staring at it with a smile as he walked.
       When he sat down beside me, he showed it to me in his palm. "Look. This looks like yours." He was still smiling and it looked like he liked it a lot. "Woah, it does." I played stupid and went along with it, acting like a parent watching their child open presents on Christmas morning. "It's cute. But I've gotten a gift each day for two days in a row.. I'm gonna try to find out who it is soon." How is he supposed to ask if he doesn't know who's giving it to him?
        ((Shoto's POV)) I stood up and went to my dorm, sliding the keychain onto a belt loop on my pants. The box of chocolates still isn't finished. I ate a few yesterday, but there's probably 5 or 6 left. I dug around and got a piece of paper and began writing;

Hey. If you're the one putting gifts in my locker, please tell me who you are in  person. So then I can thank you. The chocolates are great by the way~ Thank you.
               ~Shoto Todoroki ^^

     I folded up the paper and wrote "open me" on the front of it, then putting it into my bag for tomorrow morning. I'll put it in my locker so the person can open it when they go to put something else in there. Maybe I can know who's doing it soon.
                        ~ The Next Day ~
          During the free time we had before class started, I quickly made my way to the lockers and slid the note into mine. I rushed out and made it to class on time (like usual) and waited for class to start.
          ((After class; Katsuki's POV)) Today, I think I went a bit overboard with the 'gift'.. it's a stuffed bear. Yes, you heard me. A stuffed bear. The fur on it is a spiky texture and it's blonde, so I think this would be a good hint to who I am.
     I saw him opening his locker a few days back and remembered seeing what his code was, so I unlocked his locker and put the bear inside, but I saw a folded up note that said 'open' on the front. I assumed it was for whoever was leaving the things, so I opened it.
       After reading it, I wrote underneath his writing;
I'm a person. I don't like conveying my feelings, so that's why I'm not telling you directly. And girls aren't allowed in the male's locker room, so figure it out from there. Bye.
          ~A Person
      I hope that he'll at least figure out that the one delivering the small gifts is a male. It'll be easy to figure out after then. I shut his locker and locked it back, then rushed out of the locker room and to my dorm instead of the common room.
        Minutes later, I got a FaceTime call from Icyhot. Not surprised at all.
              ((B: Bakugou, S: Shoto))

S: Hey Blasty.
He's in his dorm too.. ACk- no shirt- no shirt- no shirt- no shirt—
B: U-uh, hey..
S: So I got this crazy-ass note in my locker with a fucking stuffed bear. Whoever this 'person' is must really like me, heheh!
My face is steaming pink, I can see it on my side of the camera.. damnit. My eyes kept looking down at his unclothed chest and abs. It's like I can't control my gaze! It's so embarassing! 
B: Yeah, they must LOVE you even..
S: Mhm! Sorry about the mess, I've been organizing lately.
B: It's not a problem.
His dorm isn't that messy, but as he walks around putting things up, it distracts me  more.

                              ~art by me~B: So what does the note say?S: It says, 'I'm a person

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

                              ~art by me~
B: So what does the note say?
S: It says, 'I'm a person. I don't like conveying my feelings, so that's why I'm not telling you directly. And girls aren't allowed in the male's locker room, so figure it out from there. Bye.
          ~A Person'. This 'person' kinda reminds me of you, hah!
B: Really? Interesting.. heh..
S: Mhm!!- And it's clearly a guy since girls aren't allowed in the guy's locker room. The only guys that I know that like guys are you, Aoyama, and Kirishima.
B: Mysterious.
S: Hah not really, theres only 3 people it could be. But I doubt it's you, so that makes two..
Hm..? When he said that, he looked.. sad? He sighed too.. wait.. does he..?
B: B-but you never know! It can be anyone!
Icyhot looked back up at the camera and smiled again.
S: You're right. Anyway, it's getting late, I'll see you tomorrow, Blasty.
B: Yeah yeah, see ya Icyhot.

       I disconnected and put my phone on charge, then rolling over on my side and pulling the covers over me. I mean, he seemed so sad when he said it couldn't be me.. Could he really like me..? No way...

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