It Can't Be.

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             It was around 7:00 p.m. I finally exited my dorm and went down to the common area, knowing that floaty bitch, raccoon eyes, tits-for-brains, frog, invisible extra and headphones bitch would be there. As the elevator lowered down to the first floor, I could hear their chatter and giggles becoming louder the lower I got. Diiiing. The shitty bucket-of-bolts elevator clanked and the doors slowly opened, squeaking occasionally as they did so. This is gonna be fucking embarrassing.
              ((Nobody's POV)) Bakugou stepped out of the elevator with hesitation at what was about to happen. He never wanted to talk to girls and thought they were useless, but he finally needed them. "Oi, Oi, girls, can I talk to you?" Uraraka instantly sat up and turned around, looking over the edge of the sofa and seeing Bakugou walking straight toward the girls. She started instantly blushing, being the boy-crazy thing she is.
                "Of course! What's up, Bakugou?" she said, her voice seeming shaky and slightly nervous around a guy. The other girls looked at eachother with a strange tension in the air, given that Bakugou never talked to them and he seemed oddly calm. He sat down in a chair beside the couch and sighed, his face becoming lightly heated. "I.... have a question." he stated with hesitation.
             The girls all looked at him quizzically.
"I've been feeling these... different... feelings lately around certain people... and I want to know what they mean. Can you help me? I assume you can, I mean, you girls are always talking about your feelings with eachother, so......" Bakugou trailed off and they looked at eachother with an exited look now. "What are the feelings, kero?" Asui asked, adjusting her posture and sitting slightly leaned forward in Bakugou's direction.
             "I can feel my face heating up sometimes.. a-and, my heart gets all fluttery sometimes. My voice squeaks sometimes and very rarely I start breaking a sweat. I get all defensive and ruder than I intend to be.." he listed. All of the girls exchanged a smirk look with eachother and back at Katsuki. "I think someone's in looooovee!!" Momo, Ochako, Mina and Toru all exclaimed loudly. Jirou and Tsuyu stayed quiet, but they nodded along.
           "Who is it?! Who?!" Mina asked in a sing-song voice as she rocked back and fourth in her seat. "That's the thing, I don't fucking know! It's always around a group of people.." The girls gave eachother another quizzical look. "..Who is in the group?" Momo asked. "It's the dekusquad... Floaty bitch, frog, four-eyes, Deku and Icyhot." Jirou tilted her head to the side and toyed around with her earphone jack between her fingers. "Well, first of all, are you interested in guys, girls or both?"
              Bakugou's eyes seemed to widen at the question. He had been always questioning his sexuality and about a year ago realized that he was attracted to guys. "Uh." He assumed none of them were homophobic, so he just sighed and spit it out. "I like guys." Most of them squealed and clapped their hands being proud of him, but Asui, Momo and Jirou simply smiled given that they were the calm ones here.
           "Okay! So, the dekusquad..? Hm.... is it mainly around Deku, Iida or Todoroki?" Toru asked. "I don't know.. they're always together and so I'm really never around one in particular." Bakugou replied and fiddled around with his fingers in his lap. "I ship you and Deku!" Mina blurted out. Bakugou chuckled and shook his head, suddenly revealing that it couldn't be Deku.
            "So it's not him? Hmm... Is it iida? He's so handsome, but I don't think you'd be the type to like him..." Asui said, offering the possibility of Iida. ", No." Uraraka smirked and looked at the other girls. They all smirked back and gave a nod to her, while she said "It's Todoroki. You like Todoroki!" The girls cheered and Toru spilled her drink. Of course, she's invisible, so she can't really see where her arms are going.
               "I-icyhot? No way.." Bakugou thought. He got a sudden flashback to all of the times they had talked, been a team in missions, or just simply seeing eachother. His face got pink but he didn't realize it, being too caught up in the moment. The girls all seemed to have a moment of bliss before settling down. "You'll see soon," Asui said. "Tch... anyway, thanks for trying to help, I guess." Bakugou stood up and made his way back to the elevator, occasionally looking back at them. They were all whispering things in each other's ears and laughing, seemingly exited that Bakugou apparently liked Shoto.
                        ((Bakugou's POV))
             I don't like him. It's interesting to think of us together. He's handsome, really handsome in that matter. He's so tall, taller than me even.. he's perfectly toned and his eyes are piercing with color. His hair is so smooth, silky, and bright. His quiet and low voice is just.. mesmerizing. Holy fuck— what.. THAT- WHY IN THE HELL DID THAT JUST RUN THROUGH MY HEAD?! SURE, HE'S GOOD LOOKING, BUT..... He's totally out of my league anyway!
                    ((Nobody's POV)) Katsuki's face was getting darker and darker at the thought. He started trying to deny that he liked him, but it was getting more difficult the more he tried. 'I don't... like him... ok, no.. I- I don't..' He sighed shakily as the elevator opened and he stepped out, slowly making his way back to his dorm. Once he was back, he plopped on his bed and picked up his phone. Seeing a text from Shoto excited him this time. He always got messages from him. Everyday. But this time, something was different. He was giving into the feelings.
                  ((S: Shoto, b: Bakugou))
S: Hello blasty.
B: Hey icyhot bitch.
Bakugou's face was becoming red as they spoke through text.
S: Chill it, blasty. No pun intended. :}
Bakugou chuckled behind the screen, not realizing what he was doing.
B: Don't tell me to fucking chill, you know it's not gonna happen.
S: Suuuure. Anyway, what's up?
He hesitated, not exactly wanting to type out what just happened.
B: I just talked to the girls.
S: What for?
Bakugou clearly lied, but Shoto didn't pick that up and assumed he was being truthful.
B: I didn't have anything better to do.
S: You could've just talked to me :)
B: Whatever.
S: If you're gonna be an asshole, I'm just gonna go..
Bakugou got a sudden wave of sensitivity. He didn't want Shoto to go. He wanted him to come back, but his icon on the messaging app said 'offline'.  He was surely, surely giving in, but he was refusing.
             ((Bakugou's POV)) I sighed and put my phone down. Before it touched my nightstand, I put it on charge and then laid back down. The only thing on my mind was Icyhot! I don't get it. The girls can't be right. I mean, he's attractive, nice, funny, kinda hot.. that's nothing though. Wait.. did I just...

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