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I forwarded my flight confirmation to Gav then tossed my phone to the counter. The babies were about to turn two, seems like yesterday we were flying out for their first birthday, to that crazy shit show of a weekend.

My phone flashed again and I slid it back over, seeing the reminder for the echocardiogram at the hospital tomorrow. I'd pushed this appointment to the back of my head, burying it so fucking deep so I wouldn't focus on what these results would mean or the fact that I had to go back to the hospital for the test.

It was fucking cruel to test my heart, my fucking livelihood just a floor above where I said goodbye to my parents' lifeless bodies.

The door shook and I jumped, startling the visions of their faces out of my head and I stepped over, pulling the door open.

Oh cazzo! She had on a tight coat, tighter jeans, and some sexy fucking boots. "Come in."

"Actually, I was thinking we could go out, grab something for the dinner."

"I was hoping to stay in- make up for lost time." Over and over again.

"The sun's finally out!" She wasn't moving, keeping those feet safely on the other side of my fucking door.

"So what... a day of sunshine in January is supposed to be fucking magical."

"In New York, yes! A miracle," she laughed.

Fuck, I liked that laugh, liked that smile even more. "Where do you wanna go?"

"The farmer's market."

She wanted to skip fucking me for a farmer's market, Luca Romano was being picked over for produce. "Do I look like a farmer? Do I look like someone who goes to a farmer's market?"

"Not yet," she teased, reaching her hand up for my hair but I grabbed her wrist, giving her a silent warning. "I was thinking we could pull your hair up into a man bun... and do you own any sandals?"

Do I... fuck she was joking right. "I knew I should have never sent you that fucking emoji. I think it gave you the wrong impression of who I am."

"That you'd humble yourself to apologize."

There was that smile again, fuck... I was going to that stupid market. "We need to set some ground rules for today."

"For dinner with your family?"

"No, for this farmer's market shit."

"Oh, of course," she laughed up to me. Nodding her head as she mocked me. "You can't go to a farmer's market without some rules."

"Get over here!" I reached for her hips, yanking her ass towards me. "You've got a smart mouth today and that attitude drives me fucking crazy."

She threw her arms around my back, looking right up into my eyes. "I've missed you Tin Man!"

"Fuck, I've missed you too!" I grabbed her head, locking her in place as I slammed my mouth onto hers, licking those tasty lips on my way to capture her tongue.

I hadn't inhaled her skin, her hair in days, hadn't tasted these lips, hadn't fucking connected as one, and hadn't thought about anything else but her.

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