🌸 Chapter Two - A Fall for You

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Midoriya's POV:

The school bell's last ring has already struck from the time to head the dorms.

I was walking through the halls of some remaining students who's still here, while others went out.

Also this feeling of being partners with Todoroki made me nervous, I would stutter all day or mess things up and he would get annoyed by me! After all I wasnt forced to be partners with him. I mean, I wasnt forced by Uraraka or anyone! Its like my mind told me so and my body wasnt helping me.

The project's just a week no problem, its already Thursday anyway! We got three days, maybe we could start it tomorrow after school on Friday maybe? Or now to make an advance?


Y'know what? Friday's sounds good, the project's seems easy, its about Endeavour the Flame Hero. But at the same time, Todoroki still has hatred to his dad, I instead give him a little favor to not talk about him after we started talking. We thankfully have dorms now so I could visit him anytime I want!


I flinched and turned back to see the bi-colored hair boy..

"H-Hey T-Todoroki-kun! I-Is there a-anything you need?" I stutterly asked, he gave me a heart attack somehow.

"I just want to ask if were going to do the project in mine or yours?" He asked.

My face became red as a tomato, I can barely say it straight other than to stutter.

"M-Maybe in mine?"

"Sounds good then" he answered back with a nod.

I let out a dorky smile and we both also decide to walk together back to the dorms, we talk most of the time. Todoroki-kun is really funny too!

I did remembered he even tried to tell Tokoyami a joke that day, he said he prefers a dark humour (jokingly?) so he turned off the lights in the classroom and the I can tell the whole class held their laughter after he did but Dark Shadow.. Let's say he almost smacked him but I sacrificed myself for him to be smacked before he could spill out the joke.

A little painful but it looks like a fun, moment.. I can also tell that Todoroki-kun thought its true.

He felt bad for that but apologized for maybe two times, I told him that Im okay. Yet, ended up embarassing after I fell into Todoroki's arms.

I really wanna forget that..

But I never really want to let go by that moment..

"Midoriya? I called you a few times and Im feeling a bi--"

"WAH! I-IM SO SORRY!!!" I wasnt paying attention at all, Im so stupid right now.. He could think Im very damn weird right about now. My face began to become more red than before, my bashfulness went skyhigh than usual now

Whats wrong with me?!

"Its okay, were almost at the dormitory though" he asked in his colorless voice, I didnt answered back but a hum while a nod.

[ Time Skip: At Midoriya's Dorm ]

I changed into the my house clothes, yet still panicking in the inside. I want to forget it SO badly, I could have born with some quirk like memory erasure or something. Its embarassing righ next to my hot crush..

The red hue in my face finally left my face alone, I walked towards my bed and lie down then stare at my ceiling, my head went daydreaming about Todoroki.. mysterious yet a nice guy I could ever have, he got very cute features though! His heterochromic eyes could get me lost in just a look, soft skin feels like a light feather, his mismatched hair feels soft as his skin but feels like petting a cat.

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