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• Staring contest •

Tord's POV

I sat on my bed bored out of my mind. Edd and Matt were busy watching TV, and they wanted to be alone. And Tom. I don't feel like teasing him right now. But it seems like I've got no other choice. I groan as I lazily pushed myself off my bed. Standing up gracefully-

By gracefully, I mean, falling face first on the floor. I almost considered just laying there. But I was determined to get my lazy ass up and go to Tom's room. With a sigh I pushed myself off the floor and exited my room. I made my way to Tom's room which was conveniently right next to mine. And knocked on the door

"Who there?" I heard a muffled voice from the inside

"A duck" I snickered

I heard a groan exit from Tom "What do you want, Commie" Tom said clearly already annoyed

"I'm bored" I whined

"Cool. I don't give a flying fuck" Tom said

"Just open the door!" I said

"Fuck off" Tom said

"Please! I won't annoy you! I'll stay quiet! I just want someone to.. Be around... I'll go insane" I plead

Tom groaned once again as I heard shuffling from the other side, hearing a click from the door, it opening to reveal Tom. He looked like he was just in bed. Which honestly, looks fucking adorable

"Fine.. But shut your fucking mouth" Tom grumbled before walking back into his room

I smiled contently and walked into his room closing the door behind me. He sat on the bed examining what seems to be a bear. I quietly walk over to his bed and sat on it, trying to sit a bit far so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. I bring back my gaze towards Tom and he was cuddling the bear. I couldn't help but crack a smile

"Cute..." I blurted out muttering the word under my breath

Tom's face seemed to redden, despite the darkness of the room. I pushed myself back on his bed and sat my back up against the wall. Just sitting in overall silence, I shut my eyes, just relaxing. I was comfortable with Tom around. I was slightly started when Tom spoke

"So... Um, you really aren't going to talk..?" Tom asked in almost a whisper, as if hesitant

I opened one eye to look at him "I did say I would be quiet, didn't I?" I ask "I could talk if you want" I said "But it isn't like I know what to talk about" I shrug before going silent again, closing my eye again

It was silent. Not so much comfortable but capable of staying in. I could hear Tom's soft breathing, as for my calm breathes. I heard some shuffling on the bed. Also feeling it, as the mattress moved with Tom's weight. Curious I opened my eye again looking over at the smaller male

Tom had moved, and was now sitting against the wall as well. Clutching his small bear in his hands hugging it tightly into his chest. I smiled at him, he looked adorable. He just stared at the bed, seeming in thought. Opening both my eyes I was able to examine the Brit easier

His eyes opened and he looked up at me "Watcha looking at?" He asked

"Oh, just you" I said simply. Tom just looked off to the side as it became silent again. I sighed "Ok, I know I promised I wouldn't speak but" I said causing Tom to look at me curiously "Can we do something?" I asked

"Like what?" Tom asked quietly

"I don't know, I spy, a staring contest, rock paper scissors. I don't know anything" I said

Tom looked down at the bed once again in thought "Um, we can play I spy or have a staring contest... Either sounds fun at the moment..." Tom said

"Eh doesn't matter" I said

Tom was quiet for a moment before speaking up once again "I guess we can start of with a staring contest then play I spy. Winner starts I guess" Tom shrugs

"Alright" I said and turned myself to face him

Tom did the same, still clutching onto the bear "Ok, 3... 2... 1.. Start" Tom said

It went silent as we stared at each other. Well that's what you do in a staring contest- We were like that for one minute so far and I was getting bored again. I unconsciously leaned forward, only realizing what I had done when my lips met the other male's soft ones. Eyes closing as an instinct

I felt Tom tense up at my actions, to be honest he wasn't the only one surprised. When I pulled away Tom's eyes were wide, his face red and his hold on his bear seemed to get more, tighter?

"Ahah... I lost..." I said looking away embarrassently

Tom was silent, probably trying to compose himself. After I, his enemy, just kissed him. I looked down wanting to avoid eye contact, nervously fiddling with the sleeves of my hoodie

"Uh look... I'm sorry about that, I don't know what came over me an-"

"Do it again..." Tom said under his breath interrupting me

I blushed, eyes widening "W-what?" I stuttered

Tom looked at me, face still red "I said... Do it again.." Tom repeated

I hesitated slightly, unsure if he was being serious or not. But eventually crawled over closer to him, leaning towards him. Our lips barely touching, grazing each other slightly. Feeling his breath on mine

"You sure about this?" I ask in almost a whisper

"Yes" Tom answered in a hush tone

And with that I closed the gap between us, bringing the smaller Brit into a sweet kiss. Laying him down on the bed moving my hands so I grasped his waist. Tom's hand sliding up my torso, to around my neck, then up the back of my neck. I felt him tangle his hand in my hair as we made out

Once we pulled away, we were both breathing heavily. Yet stayed a few inches from each others face. Our faces both red. It's adorable how Tom still has his bear clutched in his grip. I smiled down at him, earning a smile in return

"You look so cute" I purred

"N-no I don't!" Tom obligated

I chuckled "Just, adorable" I said booping his nose with mine, earning a smile from Tom which made me happy

"You idiot" Tom laughed lightly hugging his bear close to him once again

"You're adorable and you can't change my mind about it!" I said "And it's ten times cuter when you're hugging that bear" I pointed out with a slight smirk

"Shut up, Tomee Bear is my teddy bear" Tom said hugging it defensely

"Mhm, but can I also be your Teddy Bear? I'm gonna get jealous if you're cuddling him all the time" I said "I would love cuddling, but only with you~" I said kissing him

He, of course, kissed back before we both pulled away "Oh c'm'ere ya big idiot" Tom sat wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into the bed next to him

Tom cuddled into me burying his face into my chest as he did so. I let out a breathless chuckle wrapping my arms around the Blue Boy

"Now. Let's go to bed" Tom said

"I love you Commie" Tom murmured sleepily

"I love you too Thomas" I purred into his ear

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