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Jeff was having a huge party at his house, I was going to meet Hannah and Jessica there. I wanted Justin to tag along, but he said he shouldn't go. That he didn't want to cause any issues with anyone. I knew he had his reasons for not going, so I just brushed it off. 

Look, we can't be together right now. It's for the best. 

I stared at that text for ages, reading it over and over. That wasn't until Hannah called me, I answered it once I saw her name pop up on the screen.

"Hey, Han," I answered, a smile on my lips.

"Hey, Dawn. We're here," She said, "Are you ready?" I could hear Jessica in the background laughing and talking with someone. "Oh! We brought Alex, I'm not sure if you've met him yet."

"I'll be out in a second..." 

I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket before I rushed out the door and got into Hannah's car, sliding into the empty passenger seat. I looked over my shoulder at Jess, she was sitting next to Alex... He was blonde, not naturally though. That was obvious. "Hi, you must be Alex?" I greeted him.

"Yeah," He nodded, "Uh, you're Dawn, right? I love that name."

"Okay, we're all acquainted," Jessica said, impatiently. "Should we get going?"


Once we got to the party, I found a drink and started to talk to everyone around me. I was getting lost in the party, I was unwinding and finally able to laugh with the others, I even tried to get to know Alex a little better.

I went to the kitchen and fumbled around to grab a cup, deciding what I wanted to drink next. That's when I felt someone put an arm around me, "Hey, pretty lady," It was Bryce, "What are you up to?"

"Oh, Bryce," I sighed, relieved, "I'm actually trying to decide what to drink next... Then I think I'm going to find Hannah," I showed him my empty cup. 

"Ouch," He said jokingly, "You're avoiding me already?"


Bryce laughed quietly as he squeezed my shoulder, "Oh... Come hang out with me and the guys, we have some games going, it'll be fun!" 

I looked around the crowd to see if Hannah was nearby, then I shrugged,  "Sure, why not."

I filled up my cup and then went with him to the living room where I sat down on the couch. Monty filled the spot next to me once he saw me, "Hey," He said quietly, "Look, I'm really sorry," He did seem pretty apologetic.

"I know," I replied, resting my hand against his leg, "It's okay."

The others started up a game of flip cup, I sat and watched, laughing at their fails, "Bryce, come on," I said to him, "That has to be one of the shittest flips I have ever seen!" 

"You want to try?" He laughed in reply. I shook my head no, still laughing at him.

I noticed Hannah was across the room, talking to Hannah as she occasionally looked towards the group I was in. I smiled at her, she was quick to smile right back. 

Then I felt a splash on my legs, Bryce spilled his drink all over me, "Oh, Jesus," I complained, "How drunk are you?" He was quick to apologize by wrapping his arms around me in a quick hug. 

Once his arms left my body, they were replaced by somebody else's. Monty was holding me close, I blinked slowly, as if that would help me sober up. He leaned his head against my shoulder, "I miss you," He said sloppily, "But, you know that, don't you?"

𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕 𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑭𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏 - 13 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝑾𝒉𝒚Where stories live. Discover now