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~Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. Eevee has an unstable genetic make up that suddenly mutates due to the environment in which it lives. Radiation from various stones causes this pokemon to evolve.~

Like any day before the start of the Evolution Trials, all parents of this year's participants were busy preparing their young Eevee for the biggest event of their lives. From sharing words of comfort to getting in some last-minute training, they did whatever they could to ensure that their child was ready. Once the sun had set, there was a small gathering of tomorrow's participants along with their parents.

Ellie bounded up to Maple, her tail wagging a mile a minute.

"Aren't you excited? We finally get to evolve tomorrow!"

Maple nodded. "Yeah. Though it's really nerve-wracking not really knowing what to expect or what we're going to evolve into...or if any of us evolve at all..."

"Of course all of us are going to evolve tomorrow." Flick said, walking towards the two. "I've never heard of an Eevee who didn't evolve after their journey to the Evolution Tower. Though I can't wait to learn new battle moves when I evolve. I bet I'll be one of the strongest here after.

"This is our first big adventure so let's not focus on what negative things could happen," Artemis added. "We should enjoy tomorrow's experience for what it is."

Suddenly the small conversation was cut off by Hailey, who gestured at Xander's dad.

The Jolteon cleared his throat before speaking. "I know that all of you need proper rest for tomorrow but we all wanted to give each of you a little gift."

It was then when Xander's mom, a shiny Umbreon came up, a piece of bright red fabric in her jaws.

"We fixed up your old cape from that time when you always played superhero with your older siblings. Thought it might be a good surprise for this night."

Xander grinned as the repaired cape was draped around his shoulders. He thanked his parents before nuzzling into their fur to embrace them.

Cora felt her right front paw being lifted up before a simple bracelet with a small pearl was placed on. She looked up at her parents who were a Glaceon and Flareon.

"This was a good luck charm that I used when I did my own trial." her mother said.  "I know it's kind of a hand-me-down but hopefully it gives you a bit of comfort."

Cora nodded. "Thank you, mom."

Maple watched as Flick was given a red band to tie on his forehead. The two Vaporeon smiled as their son ran around happily. Dash quickly joined his friend in running right after he was given blue goggles as his gift from his parents. It was then when she felt soft teal fabric wrap around her neck. She looked up at her  Espeon mother.

"This is a scarf that explorers wore to protect themselves from poisoning. We just dyed it teal since that's your favorite color."

Maple nodded in thanks, burying her face in the scarf.

"Aw, you look adorable in your new scarf." Ellie squealed. Her mother, a Sylveon simply giggled.

"Well, I think you'll look just as cute if not cuter." She said as she tied a white ribbon on Ellie's left ear. The Eevee smiled brightly before jumping into her mom's ribbon feelers to receive a hug.

Hailey lowered her head as her dad, a Leafeon put a star-shaped locket around her neck while Artemis received a new pair of glasses from her own parents.

Once all the children had gotten their gifts, the large night gathering soon split up back into their respective families, allowing the Trial participants to get the rest they need for their first journey.


The first Eevee that Maple saw the next morning was Ellie, who had come to get her so they could walk to the Evolution Tower together. From the distance, she spotted Artemis and Hailey already on their way.

"Is everyone else on their way over?" she asked.

"Not really. Even though we won't be let in until everyone is there I just thought it might be a good idea to go now so that way we aren't rushing or keeping everyone waiting."

"Do you two remember where the Evolution Tower is?" Maple's mother asked.

"Yes, we know. Keep heading north until we see the tower." Ellie replied. "We should get going. I already know that Dash is probably already there, gloating about how he's the fastest."

Maple nodded and said one last goodbye to her parents before following Ellie out north into the woods. On the way, they eventually caught up with Cora who was just a few feet ahead of them. They begin to guess what everyone would evolve into.

"Dash is practically half Jolteon at this point so there's no need to guess on him," Ellie said. "But I think either Artemis or Hailey could make a good Espeon. They're both pretty smart and strong."

"Maybe Flareon for Xander." Maple suggested. "A lot of his pranks have fire somewhere in them. And you're good a swimming Cora so I think you'd be a Vaporeon."

"I think one of you will end up being a Sylveon," Cora said. "Both of you are the nicest and pretty strong when push comes to shove."

"What about Flick?" Ellie asked.

"I don't know. He could be anything really. If any of the trials involve a battle then he'll be the first one to step up to the plate."

Soon they found themselves entering a large clearing, signaling to them that they had reached the end of the forest. The Evolution Tower stood tall in front of them. Like Ellie predicted, Dash was already there, along with Artemis and Hailey

"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Dash called out the moment the three came into view.

"It's not like we're late or anything," Cora said with a shrug. "They just said to come here first thing in the morning after breakfast."

"Oh look, here comes Xander and Flick," Artemis said, turning everyone's attention to the last two approaching trial participants. "So I guess everyone's here then."

The group waited around for a few seconds but the doors to the Evolution Tower didn't open. Nor did anyone appear to open the door for them.

"Uh...this is the day we're so supposed to come here right?" Flick asked as he looked around. "How come we can't get in."

"Maybe we're so supposed to figure out how to get in ourselves." Hailey wondered aloud. The moment she stepped forward to try out her theory, eight blinding specks of light appeared before, each one taking the shape of an evolution of Eevee.

"Are those...the spirits of the ones that found the Evolution Tower?" Maple asked as they all stared in awe at what was happening in front of them. "Like the ones in the stories?"

"I think so," Artemis said quietly.

The eight spirits said nothing, they only turned towards the sealed door of the Evolution Tower and walked forward. Once they were close, the door swung open and the group took that as a sign to follow them.

They all took a deep breath and went inside.

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