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The moment the sun came up, everyone began excitedly racing back home, not being able to wait another second to tell their parents of everything that had happened during the trials.

Dash, now being faster than ever, was way ahead of everyone else. If someone just saw the eeveelutions passing, they would've thought that the Jolteon was leading the entire group.

"Come on ya slowpokes. Everyone else is waiting for us."

Artemis was only somewhat able to keep up due to her having a boost of energy in the daytime. "Did you forget that you're an electric type now? It's not going to be that easy to go at the speed that you're going."

Not too far behind the Espeon were Maple and Ellie. Maple, now being more at home in the forest than she ever was and Ellie almost glided among the air as she ran.

"I can't wait to see everyone again." Maple said. "Even though it had just been a day."

"Yeah, it feels like we've been away a lot longer than just one day," Ellie said with a laugh.

Flick was running right behind them. "I can't wait to show everyone the new fire moves that I've learned," he said while grinning.

"Just be sure that you don't burn everything down," Hailey said as she and Xander tried to keep up with everyone. Xander was still somewhat asleep when everyone started to run back home and Hailey was even less tolerant of the heat that the sun was giving off.

"Well at least we'll be there any moment now since we're all running back." the Umbreon said.

Just as he predicted, their home village began to appear on the horizon, which only made everyone run faster.

"Hey everyone!" Dash called out the moment he stepped foot in their home. "We're back!"

Soon all the young Eevee and older Eeveelutions slowly emerged from their dens to see what was causing all the noise. Upon seeing the returning trial participants, they all gathered around them, asking them for every detail of what happened during their trials. But they kept what each trial was about a secret as they wanted the younger ones to experience everything like they did.

Though they enjoyed seeing all of the other villagers, the trial participants were even more elated to see their parents. As soon as they saw each of them, they immediately ran over to them, practically tackling them in a hug. Without much thought about anything else, they all separated to their homes, not being able to wait to tell their first big adventure to their families.

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