The Water Trial

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~Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokemon. Its cells are composed of units much like water molecules. It lives near water and is often mistaken for a mermaid~

As everyone ventured into the first floor, they found themselves in a large and fairly empty room, the only things being in there was what looked like a lake and a locked door on the opposite end of the room. The walls were painted to look like a sunny day outside while the floors seemed to have grass covering it.

Not knowing what else to do, Artemis slowly approached the door and immediately noticed a golden keyhole.

"It must be locked," she said before she turned to the others. "I think we need to look for a key in order to get out."

"Where are we supposed to look?" Flick asked as he looked around. "There's nothing in here."

"Well, there is a lake." Maple said. "Maybe it's hiding around there somewhere."

They then went to the lake and began investigating. There was no sign of anything in hiding. Xander even used Dig to see if he could find anything underground. They couldn't find a key anywhere.

Out of the corner of her eye, Cora saw something sparkling in the water. She leaned in closer, taking a step in the water. The water was clear enough for her to see the bottom, where she saw a small key.

"Guys I found the's at the bottom of the lake."

"How did it even get there?" Dash asked. Cora simply shrugged in response.

"I guess someone needs to dive down and go get it then," Hailey said. "Maybe all the trials are having to find a key that's not going to be easy for just anyone to get."

"If that's it then count me out on this one." Flick said as he looked at the water with disdain. "No way I'm just gonna jump into cold water."

"I'm not a very good swimmer so I can't do this one either." Maple said.

"Cora you should try and go and get the key," Ellie suggested. "You're the strongest swimmer here."

There were murmurs of agreement throughout the crowd. Cora looked back at the key and then back at her friends.

" sure about that?" she asked. "I mean...I've never swam all the way down to the bottom of a lake before. I don't know if I can hold my breath for that long."

"You'll never know until you try," Artemis said. "You're the only one who even has a chance here."

When Cora still wasn't sure, Ellie came over to her side, placing a paw on her shoulder.

"We all believe that you can do it," she said. "All you gotta do is believe in yourself now. No matter what we'll be right here with you."

Cora slowly nodded, determination burning in her eyes. "Alright...I'll do it."

The other Eevee cheered as Cora slowly waded into the lake, swimming out until she was right over the key. She looked back at everyone else who all gave her an encouraging nod. She nodded back and took a deep breath before diving in.

The water was cool and refreshing on her fur. As Cora dove deeper, the more she saw of the key. It was a bright coral red color with a small sapphire on the top. She assumed that it was the light reflecting on the gem is what made it possible for her to notice it on the surface. 

By the time Cora finally got to the bottom and grabbed the key, she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold her breath. Ellie's words soon came into her head.

We all believe you can do it. All you gotta do is believe in yourself now.

'She's right...they're all rooting for me. And I've come way too far in this to think that I can't do it now.'

Cora's paws touched the sandy floor of the bottom of the lake before she pushed off while using Quick Attack. The force carried her up about halfway back up before she used her paws to paddle her way back up. The silhouettes of everyone patiently waiting for her made her swim faster.

Cora was greeted with a gulp of fresh air and loud cheering from everyone the moment she broke to the surface. Both Ellie and Artemis came and helped her out of the water. Once she was on dry land, Cora dropped the key to catch her breath for a moment.

"I knew you could do it," Ellie said with a grin. Cora looked at her and nodded, giving her a tired smile.

"Yeah, you were right. Anyway, let's see what's behind that door now."

She picked the key back up and went towards the locked door, everyone else following close behind her. Without wasting another moment, Cora unlocked the door and pushed it open. What greeted them was a much smaller room that resembled a cave in a way. Water Stones were embedded all around the rocky walls.

What stood between them and the stairs leading to the second floor was one of the spirits that they had followed inside. This one took the shape of a Vaporeon, a Water Stone was set neatly in between its front paws.

The Vaporeon spirit looked at Cora and smiled.

"Congratulations on completing your trial little one."

"T-Thank you," Cora said, not really sure how to react to talking with the figure in front of her. She tilted her head slightly when the Water Stone was pushed towards her.

"The element of water is both powerful and graceful. You have shown both qualities little one. Please, accept this Water Stone."

'I didn't think that I would be the first to evolve.' Cora thought. 'But I guess that's just how it ended up working out.'

Everyone else watched in awe as Cora's body was covered in blinding light the moment she touched the stone. The Eevee grew in size as she changed shape. When the light died down, a Vaporeon stood in the place of their friend. The only thing that could prove that the eeveelution standing in front of them was their friend was the bracelet that she got from her parents still tied to her paw.

As Cora looked at herself, the Vaporeon spirit turned to the remaining seven Eevees. "The rest of you must continue upward and complete the remaining trials. You will meet up with your friend here at the top."

"She can't come with us?" Maple asked.

"No. Only those that haven't completed a trial yet may go forward."

Cora looked back at everyone. "It's alright really. I don't mind waiting for all of you. Though I wish I could see you all do your trials, I know you'll all do great."

"Let's all work on getting to the top quickly so we can all get together again!" Ellie said. Everyone nodded and raced up the stairs as Cora and the Vaporeon spirit disappeared behind them.

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