"Throughout history Sanctuary existed to serve and protect Athena under the orders of my brother Aiolos, but they lost their way. Now their only goal is to kill me" Sienna said looking at Magnus straight in the eyes. 

"Because your going to end the world. The prophecy foretold it" Magnus shot back. 

"That's what Sanctuary believes, but their wrong. If you've fallen for the prophecy, than kill me. I'm not afraid" she said to the hesitating saint. "Someone or something has manipulated Sanctuary. Twisted it. Made them think I'm the danger, when the real danger lies elsewhere" Sienna told him hoping to convince him. "I don't believe you" Magnus said. "But's it true. When I was reincarnated into Athena I was born under a prophecy. That this time Athena will lose to Ares and Poseidon, and lead mankind to ruin and destruction" Sienna said. 

"You'll bring death to humanity. The Saints have decided to protect humans ourselves" Magnus told the goddess. 

"Do not decide who I am or what I do" Sienna said sternly. "I've never wanted to destroy humanity and I never will. I will prove that the prophecy is wrong. You can feel it, you know its true" she said her green eyes boring into Magnus's brown ones. Magnus just huffed and walked away when the other Saints came up. "Sienna what's going on" the purple guy asked. "I appreciate you coming to my aid. It was a simple misunderstanding. Magnus means no harm" Sienna assured. 


After the little incident the matches continued. The most difficult was Seiya vs Shiyru. Seiya was able to beat Shiyru but at a cost. Shiyru died from leaving an opening to Seiya's Pegasus Meteor Punch stopping his heart. However Andromeda Shun came up with the idea by rebooting his heart with a Meteor Punch. It worked. Now the two were resting and having small talk. 

"You were dead you know" Miloch said to a recovering Shiyru. "Deadish. Only for a minute" Seiya walking up to him."Thanks to Seiya here". 

"How's your head" Shiyru asked him referring to their fight when Seiya landing on the ground head first. "All right, you should see the other guy, oh wait" Seiya remarked. "You both gave me a good scare" Shon said walking up to the two "I'm just glade your're doing all right. 

"You're fight is up next, you ready Shon" asked Shiyru. "If I have to fight, then I have to fight I guess" she responded crossing her arms. Shiyru and Seiya looked at one another. "You are the only girl in this tournament Shon, we all expected you to be meaner" Seiya said to her choosing his words carefully. Shon laughed. 

"I'm not mean, if I'm totally honest I wish I wasn't here. I'm mean why are you guys here? Just to fight?" she asked them. "My master Gold Saint Libra Dohko suggested I come here" Shiyru said. "The primordial Perseus told me about the tournament, he said that my destiny started here. He also told me somethings about the upcoming war. What about you Shon? Why are you here?" Seiya asked before Shon and Shiyru could question him more about Perseus. 

"I'm here because...because....I'm not sure. I guess you could say that I've always been a reluctant fighter. I used to be pretty immature for my age. I'd cry and complain if things didn't go my way. Kids would pick on me, but I didn't fight back. I didn't see the point. So my older brother Nero taught me how to fight, but instead of teaching me how to fight he taught me how to protect myself without hurting others. He showed me the power of defensive fighting, the strength to protect myself. My brother was tough and intimidating. However when we were shown to be able to use cosmo we were separated. Nero went to a remote Island and that was the last time I saw him" Shon said wistfully.

"The next fight is Andromeda Shon vs Unicorn Jab" Miloch said. 

The two mentioned people walked to the center of the room. "Well if it isn't the reluctant warrior" the purple guy Jab said. "You've heard of me" Shon asked. Jab laughed "I heard you whining. You should quit if you are going to waste everyones time" he said to her. "I admit it Jab, I don't see the reason for fighting like this, don't you think this is pointless" Shon asked him. "Pointless? Can't you see that gold armor" Jab said pointing to the Sagittarius Cloth. 

"I see" Shon said "I guess we will never understand each other". 

"Seriously how soft are you" Jab said. He attacked by throwing the first punch in which Shon side stepped. "I came here to fight whether you want to or not" Jab said punching again only to have it missed. "You can't win the fights only by dodging" he told her.

Shon held out her arms letting the chains that were attached fall to the ground forming a circle. No-a Nebula. "You know weapons are forbidden" Jab told Shon. 

"These chains are not weapons. They are a defense. Like a shield" Shon educated her opponent. "The chains are spread around Shon like a spiders web" Seiya said. "It looks like the great Andromeda Nebula in the night sky" Magnus said in awe. 

"Be careful Jab the closer you get to my chains, the closer you get yo getting knocked out" warned Shon. Jab didn't here and surged forward. As soon as he stepped on the chain he was shocked with 1000 up 1000s of volts of electricity. "Told you" Shon said. As she was about to put away her chains, they started to go uncontrollably signaling danger. "What are they doing" asked Seiya. 

"Somethings coming, we need to go now" Shon said urgently. Sienna knew what she was talking about and grabbed the Sagittarius Cloth. "This way" she said pointing to a wall. Using some of her magic she opened a portal to which everyone jumped in leading to who knows where. Just as the portal closed Vander Grodd entered. 

"Find them" he growled to his men. 

A/N I know a crappy way to end this chapter but next one will be better

Lord Perseus: Rise of the SaintsWhere stories live. Discover now