Chapter one: School

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A young girl sits on the stairs of a large military academy tapping her boot waiting. Her hazel eyes scanned the quiet sidewalks. She pushed a strand of brown and blonde hair out of her face. A few minutes pass and she spots a boy about the same age as her. His blonde hair looked as if he hadn't brushed it. His uniform was wrinkled and his backpack was slightly opened. He looked up as he walked down the sidewalk towards her. His blue eyes sparkled in recognition. The young girl got up and hopped down the stairs until she got to the bottom. She crossed her arms as the boy approached.

"You're going to make us late!" She calls, "On the first day too!"

"I know, I know I'm sorry. I couldn't find my journal." The boy replied.

The girl turned to the stairs and started up. The boy followed her.

"You don't have to bring that thing with you everywhere ya know. It's just a book." She said.

"It's not just a book. It's got Writing in it." The boy answered.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that mattered." She said.

At the top of the stair the girl turns to the boy.

"Gosh, Schofield. Did you just grab your uniform and run out the door?" The girl asked.

"The book matters to me, Alex. And no I didn't just run out. I grabbed my books." Schofield replied innocently.

Alex sighed as she fixed Schofield's tie and collar.

"Did you just get out of bed or did you brush your hair? Bed head-what- hey, not so tight! I need to breathe!" Schofield complained.

"Oh sorry, did I make the tie too tight?" Alex said laughing, "come on, let's find our class."

"Not funny." Schofield mumbled as he followed Alex into the Academy.

Inside the doors Alex and Schofield stopped and watched the huge sea of beige uniforms of cadets going to and fore. The hallway looked narrow because of the dull, grey lockers on either side. The hideous, white floors reflected the bright overhead lights revealing scoff marks and left over gum.

"There's so many of them." Alex Wondered out loud, "How are we going to get through?"

"With our feet." Replied Schofield.

Alex gave Schofield an annoyed look.

"You first, comedian." Alex motioned.

"Why me. You know where we are supposed to go." Schofield asked.

"Because, Schofield, you are taller than me." Alex said, using her arm to measure the height difference between them, "and you can see over most every one."

"Fine. Where are we going? What's the room number?" Schofield asked, starting to push his way through.

"English with Mrs. Jay, 22A." Alex shouted above the noise.

As Schofield pushed his way past a jock, the jock turned around and pushed Alex thinking she was the one who pushed him.

"Hey, watch it!" Alex shouted at him.

Schofield turned around to see what had happened as the jock pushed Alex again.

"Show some respect, freshy. This is a senior you're talking to." The senior Jock snared.

The jock was nearly twice the height of Alex. He's uniform was barely able to hold together because of his broad shoulders and large muscles. His jet black hair was combed back sharply. All of this spoke, senior, spoiled, rich and bully.

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