Red and Breakfast

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(Kirishima's POV)

I sat on my bed in my dorm room and plugged in my headphones. I typed 'Lemon boy' into the search bar. Cavetown, never heard of them. I played the song and did not expect the song that played. It was soft but nearing the end there was rock mixed in, it was a good song, he's a good taste in music, I respect that.

I checked the time and it was nearly midnight. I turned my phone off and threw something at the light switch, it's a talent at this point because I hit it. I got into bed and not long after I was asleep.


I think lemon boy was asleep in the bed right against the wall between us, I could hear quiet enough sounds from the other side of the wall, they were mostly quiet grunts or rustling of sheets, at one point I heard him hit his hand or something on the wall.

It was late seven when I woke up. We didn't have lessons today, they wanted us to get to know each other first. I grabbed a pair of grey sweats and a random hoodie. I wasn't bothered to look at the print on it, it was bright and probably embarrassing and something I should not wear outside of my room but it's too early for that. I pulled on some socks and went downstairs.

I saw oh god I'm so bad at remembering names what is his actual name again? well, lemon boy, talking to Toko-something on their way to the kitchen.

I saw Kaminari half asleep on one of the armchairs, scrolling through his phone. "Hey Kami." I called. He looked up, smiling. "Hey Kiri, nice hoodie." He said in a weird-ish tone. "I have no idea what I'm wearing I woke up temporarily blind and hungry.. So.." I shrugged.


And it was more or less the truth, he wasn't temporarily blind but everything was blurry and fused together, he could see now and he saw he made a mistake.

His hoodie was white with writing on it, 'Your Gaydar was correct'. All the words apart from Gaydar were in a simple black font but the word Gaydar was rainbow.

"I don't have the energy to deal with my own gay shit." Kirishima grumbled, throwing himself on to the couch, barely missing Mina. She looked up from her phone and patted his head. "It's okay, I understand." She said, smiling. 

"I'm so hungry but I don't know how to cook." Kaminari whined. "Mood." Sero added, he had his hood up and pulled the strings away from his face, hiding his face. Cutlery clashing with ceramic was heard a little bit behind them. "None of the four of you can cook?" It asked, it was Bakugou. "No.?" Mina started. There was a weird form of laughter none of the four of them could put their finger on from Bakugou. "Can you make us something to eat?" The hoodie monster -Sero- asked. "Tch, no, do it yourselves." He retorted.

"But we caaan't~." Kirishima whined. "Please~.?" Bakugou groaned. "Fine."


Kirishima happily followed him into the kitchen, completely unaware and oblivious of his hoodie. Bakugou silently got a couple things from the presses and fridge, noticing Kirishima he turned about to make a remark on his presence but his eyes drifted to the hoodie and his eyebrows lifted slightly.

"This really is the gayest place I've ever been in my life." He muttered, louder than he meant. "Why? Something wrong with it?" Kirishima snarled. Bakugou hadn't known Kirishima long but he didn't really expect that to come out of him. "No? I'm.. Nevermind." He sighed, continuing on with the breakfast. "You're what?" Kirishima pushed, unaware. "Nothing." Bakugou snapped.

"What're you making?" Kirishima lightheartedly asked. "Waffles." The blonde dimly replied. "Nice." Kirishima grinned, and damn his smile was definitely something to behold, he had sharp, shark-like teeth but still his smile was bright and could definitely light up a room.


Kirishima helped bring the plates out. The other three seemed to explode as if they'd never had waffles in years. Mina was beaming; "Thanks Bakugou! You're the best!" She cheered, wrapping him into a hug.

"What the fuck?" Was Bakugou's inner monologue.

"Super cool of you, man.!" Kaminari chirped. Sero woke up or maybe he wasn't sleeping, it was hard to tell since he had his face in the hood when he looked like he got electrocuted and pulled it down. "Wait you actually made us breakfast? Awesome dude." Kirishima smiled. "It's super manly."

Bakugou looked at the four of them, really confused as to why he was being praised for making waffles. "All I did was put shit into a waffle iron.." Bakugou drily stated.

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