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Team Kakashi, Temari, and [Name] finally make it to the sand. We are approached by two Sand Shinobi.

"We've been expecting you." Said the first one.

"Lady Temari, [Name], you were with them" The second shinobi was confused.

"Please there's no time to waste, this way."

We dart through the the village of the sand. The first man begins to explain what happened while we were away.

"Kankuro has been hurt, bad. We don't know if he'll make it."

My heart stopped, ears ringing, head pounding. Tears wanting to form but the air is too dry.

No, Kankuro, no please. Not him. I- I love him.

"What they got Kankuro as well?!" Temari shocked that both her brothers are in critical danger.

"Yes, he ran after the men while kidnapped the Kazekage. By himself." He begins to explain. "He's been poisoned badly and we have no cure for it. We don't believe he'll make it."

"Damnit!" Temari scuffs.

"Don't give up yet Temari, let me take a look at it." Sakura's confidence seeping in the sentence.

But how will I know for sure if he's okay. She been training with the Hokage but how good is she really. I am trying to trust in her skills but I get can't think about anything but Kankuro. What if I lose him?

We make it it the hospital. There lies a lifeless Kankuro. My heart aches, hands numb.

"Kankuro!" Temari yells, Naruto right behind.

We rush over to him and I grab his hand.

Kankuro please wake up, please Kankuro.

Lady Chiyo has gone mad and tried attacking Kakashi, but my focus is on Kankuro. Will I lose him without even getting to tell him how I feel? I lean in and kiss his forehead. A tear falls. Kankuro yells in pain and grabs his neck. I back away immediately.

"Let me take a look at him." Sakura steps in to help.

"Please Sakura, do whatever you can." Her eyes connect with my tear filled ones.

"[Name] I will do my best, but to do that I'm going to need everyone to clear out of the room."

Everyone begins to exit the room, but I stop. Temari isn't following behind us. I stay back with her. She isn't one to show fear but I saw on her face that she was terrified. I walk to her and grab her hand tightly. We stand watch as Sakura examines Kankuro. A tear escapes and rolls down my face. Temari faces me a wipes the tear.

"Sakura is one of the best at the leaf. We just have to trust her strength." Temari looks at me, god knows she'd never cry but wells form in her eyes.

Sakura finishes examining him letting us know that the poison is attacking the cells in his muscles. If it continues the poison will cause his heart to collapse. The last thing I heard Sakura say was she doesn't know if she'll be able to make an antidote in time. In that moment everything went blank. I didn't want to distract anyone. I let go of Temari's hand and slowly walked out of the room. Ears are burning I don't hear anything. Just the memories flooding my head of the first time we met.

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